The Division was a boring experience, the game is just so empty and repetitive. Even if the later parts of the city have a much larger baddies on the street count its still going to be repetitive. You spray into damage sponges and rinse repeat. PvP will last only so long as there is gear to gain, then its a short time ganking (unless got a troll inside you, then maybe a long time) for the sake of ganking?.
This game makes Destiny look great. The Division has me thinking about DayZ, because its just a cool concept that will quickly become boring and a game for campers(or trolls in its case, high end pvp teams killing so they feel elite and there is nothing else to do).
Beta?, I've seen and heard this one used too much. Basically every game, I dare say all AAA titles, that released a beta ended up showing everything it was going to offer. There was no more polish, if not less, as only that area of the beta was actually polished.
If you don't share the same "opinion" of the game then thats fine, go ahead and buy it, but this is the majority thoughts on the game. This game is the biggest fail AAA in the past years, bigger then D3, Destiny, etc. I still do expect them sales figures to fly, after all its America and the fat beetch is in trouble, now go save your princess.
- Coop was ... ok. People, like every fking game these days, have little awareness and you bleed out. Seems people are going sniper, half and likely more then that would which is just sad. If PvE is going to be weak crap that everyone just sits back in a really safe place and blasts tons of damage with easy shots... well then what a joke pve is going to be.
- Story/solo: I wasn't feeling the story, but maybe that is cause they plopped you several missions ahead. You start off and got some strangers telling you what to do. City felt empty and so did the dead zone, it really makes the game boring.
Dark Zone: PvE was so scare it was boring on that part, its no wonder people started blasting another for no reason. DZ really needs to be about PvE, but of course still having PvP. Was chasing and shooting a rogue... his timer came off (swear i read that it refreshes the timer), i went rogue and ... well everyone killed me. Invisible people, and people appearing out of nowhere it seemed.
I had a fight with some guy who had a vector vs my shotgun. We're both on opposite ends of a small barricade wall, both pop up and start shooting and he comes out with the victory. I Hope that wasn't the balancing to expect in this game, that instead he just got lucky with a cross hair to my head ( which, imo, is still bs cause at 1 foot away the shotgun should come out on top regardless). Really not fun coming across people who are for some reason like damage sponges. Maybe cause, i think, i had lvl 7 blues with 1.2k damage and apparently there was weapons that had over 4k (fking retarded balancing, and that was probably without mods).
Dark Zone just quickly turned into a frustrating time. The game had bugs and knowing ubishet they will still be there. DZ is vastly unfair and very not fun running solo or a small team (at least of scrubs... which the the majority of gamer's are these days).
IMO, Dark Zone needs to keep solo and teams separately. Team fire should be turned on, if it isn't, for DZ. The game showed so freaking little and i think everyone has seen enough of that and what comes from it. People really should be waiting a few days and looking at game play videos.
The impression left from the beta: this is likely going to be repetitive and boring quickly within a week. DZ is just going be equally frustrating as fun, and if its the end game then you got nothing to do without your friends. I would love to believe, but its all about doing the minimum and max profits these days.
This should make Nintenfreaks happy, anything would, that they're getting 1/2 a console and 1/2 a mobile device from their purchase. The wii-u pad already was about 1/2 the price of the package with the console, wonder how much this mobile device will take away.
Honestly, Nintendo could drop console and just go mobile and the Nintenfreaks would go crazy. "YA!!!, chase that Asian market (Imo, they're not much of a gamer at all when you game on mobile) and forget us, Nintendo!". And who could forget about releasing a handheld and now console every few years.
Nintendo is trying to milk people harder then anyone else now.
So casual i won't waste the money as it will become quickly boring. Another thing is that i swear the spawning in this game is worse then CoD, you can just play a whole match where you spawn a bit behind teammates to the side of some map only to have some enemies spawn behind you (oh so much fun).
PIck from 4 guns and go!. Want more stuff to use?, sorry... you gotta unlock the few items through a bit of a grind while getting your junk dropped kick by people who have it unlocked (I'm good at fps's so i managed fine while being behind on equipment). I'm just saying that there is no reason for this gear needed to be locked behind a grind, there isn't a whole lot of anything in this game that should require it. Do they think people are so bad they can not handle looking through like the 12 items and picking from 4 guns?, well i don't blame them actually lol.
If this wasn't Star Wars it would just be a weak over casual shooter.
@b00me: I must have been dreaming i could have sworn games have gone from 50-60 CAD to $80 now.
What is really awesome is that some of these games are ports from old gen with MAYBE a TOUCH of to something and they ask for "costs to develop new gen".
What is even more awesome is looking at The Witcher 3 it is a beautiful open world, great story, etc etc etc, but it asks for $59, and it gave some free dlc as a thank you. You get less from games these days (other games) aside from graphics and they ask for "new gen pricing".
So I don't understand where game prices have been the same. Gaming has grown much larger, lets not deny there is a much bigger market to sell to now, so i don't also understand how they can cry about costs. Truth is they make easily the costs from just the game alone, but then they even go ahead and make overpriced DLC and micro to sucker more money from everyone. People even buy before they even know wtf they're getting and how much. "Come get your season pass and pre-order!. Do we have a release date for the game even?, no not at this game. Whats in the season pass?, stuff that we ripp.... err stuff you'll have to wait till we release it".
Truth is that they're all making rich off the mass of addicts. The majority is just a bunch of fking idiots who throw their money at these people, which only tells them to continue to stuff their games with op dlc and micro and that its ok to rise the prices more.
You know what hasn't happened yet?, NEW GEN DLC PRICE RAISE!. Not that they have to, because people pay 1/5 of the game price (5x15 = 75) except they only get about 1/30th of the amount of game content ("content", cause they don't really have to code a new map or so much). Ya, its strange that game price has rising, but the DLC price hasn't... you know with how horrible costs have been.
This game is way too casual, so casual its sad. This game is a MASSIVE waste of money.
Clearly, Activision and EA know and will play people by sabotaging their own games so that CoD and Battlefield don't get out sold by their own games (not working together, of course).
This game makes CoD and Destiny look good enough to go back to.
When other people say it the internet be like: "FK U, STFU" , but when someone famous speaks out about it its all like: "ya, that person is right!".
Nintendo is going micro and its basically a kids system. That Pokemon Shufle game is the start. It could have just been something fun Nintendo decided to give free (since its just so simple, or cost $5), but instead micro'd it.
OH joy!, now i don't have to be bored since i can play in the water.
Another expansion and we might have a decent enough game that doesn't have the majority running back to play the previous one: Civ V. After, of course, they've made sure to throw their money at them again.
It was sad to see this on Steams top sellers, but it was kind of low on the list. Of course that list is like the average sales for the week which diminishes or something over time, so its not that hard for a new game to show up with some sales.
I'll be waiting for the 2nd expansion and Steam sales for it even, <3 Steam.
Vexov's comments