Sony: "Yeah Sorry about that here is a bunch actually."
Microsoft Xbox Division: " LOLZ TEH KINECT"
Microsoft PC Division: (not shown at E3): "We are busy doing important Windows 8"
Valve: "We are awesome, we dont have to show **** at E3."
Capcom: "Everything but Megaman remember that."
Namco: "We heard you guys liek a the localizations"
Atlus: "Maybe we should show a new SMT game?
Sega : "Dreamcast 2? Naa too soon. Our awesome reboots and new enhancements to our games are enough."
From Software: "AWWE YEAH ARMORED COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORE"(Oh yeah thanks Namco for publishing V...)
In all seriousness though. The PS Vita until I see the price I am kinda being reluctant. Wondering what this Cafe thing is about for Nintendo. MS also said PC games will make it back to E3...eventually.
To be honest I am hype for E3 as usual this year but I been pretty content with my PC stuff lately.