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Year of the Squeal

You know it is amazing to sit back and just think about what all is coming out this year in the final months, as well as the first month or two of next year.

Diablo 3. Highly demanded game which will sell at least 8million units in its life span, people will return to PC gaming hardcore because of it (and another game I'm about to list). The Diablo games are just so fun because it is like having a RPG and MMO all in one due to its online game play.

StarCraft 2. This will break records pretty easy I think, expecting this to be the top selling PC game of the year (and next). Epic online play for hours on end, and an amazing story to keep us drawn in.

Modern Warfare 2. This will likely be the best shooter of the year, single playwise (though short, it packs a story), and it will have huge online battles for months...and months to come.

BioShock 2. Everyone I know seems to have loved the first, shooter fan or not. Lets hope for solid gameplay, massive powers, and nice big weapons like in the first one...also lets hope its fun to BE a Big Daddy.

Assassin's Creed 2. The first one was met with mixed reviews, everyone hoped for a more in-depth PoP, and what they got was a often fun, yet often buggy game. Lets take the beautiful world, the awesome kills...don't touch any of that...was perfect...now fix everything else....everything.

Left 4 Dead 2: Expect this bad boy to be eating up a lot of PC and 360 years time, massive co-op fun at it's best. L4D2 could be a sleeper hit this year, the 1st one was highly prasied, sold well...but I get the feeling that this one might be over looked.

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. This bad boy is one of the games that Sony can proudly say "You're never going to touch this one on a 360", and they have every right to brag. The first one was epic, and the 2nd one looks even better...enjoy Ps3 owners, this one is for you and ONLY you.

These top sellers are coming out THIS YEAR during winter...but what about those "Late winter, early spring" games?.

Mass Effect 2. Expected early next year...this...this is my most wanted game of all time. I LOVED the 1st, can play it on hours on end, and love every minute of it...please let the 2nd be as good as the 1st.

God Of War 3. Another game that will never show on the 360, and this IS the biggest series that the playstation has ever had that never touched the Xbox/360. The 3rd will finish the series...Will be sad to see it go.

Bad Company 2. The funny/wacky FPS series...the first was for people who like a little humor with their guns, and it was good....the 2nd one should be great as well.

Overall. I just think that this really will be an amazing Q4 and Q1 for gaming...better then the past few ones without a doubt...get your wallets ready because it's going to hurt!