This is not the kind of improvement I've come to expect from Nintendo's portable revisions. Shorter battery life, no GBA slot and a lower quality camera than my 3 year old cell phone? Who thought this was a good idea? They must have some big plans for that SD card slot/WiFi to make such an otherwise useless revision.
Live has the best graphics, but 2K8 has the best likenesses. NBA 08 is in it's own world of horrible graphics and cartoonish caricatures of the players.
Hmm... a wig and a helmet or a new multiplayer map for $1? I know Saints Row and Viva Piñata could not be more different games, but that's still a staggering difference in value, not to mention the insult to gamers of releasing a game and some nickel-and-dime DLC ON THE SAME DAY.
I love my 360 and the original Xbox turned me from a diehard Mac-using, anti-MS fanboy into a huge MS supporter. That said, BC is a joke. Even IF a game is properly emulated, you have to start all over on 360? Why? Why can't you transfer saves from the Xbox180 HD to the 360 using XBL or a cheap device? There should be a simple USB adapter (since Xbox180 controller ports are essentially USB ports) that lets you copy even huge save files (like Otogi, which records every broken object in every large level, for example) to an externl USB HDD and then to your 360 HDD. Along these lines, a simple way to seamlessly transfer the contents of your 360 HDD when upgrading to the eventual larger model should be made. Sometimes Xbox products/servces seem "for gamers, by gamers" and sometimes they seem like an insult to common sense. We've all seen how revolutionary MS can be in the gaming field when they get things right (XBL), I just wish they'd apply that zeal to BC.
VicMackey's comments