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Quake 4 for the Xbox 360

Well, Jeff rips on the game for having an unsteady frame rate. Personally, it didn't bother me.  I was weathered down in the early days of Starfox 64; so I expect it to happen, and I have yet to play any game in 3D that has an absolutely solid frame rate... except for 2 games, actually... Wind Waker and Tales of Symphonia.  I guess that cell-shading technology just performs better.

One thing though, I found very stupid is the game's auto-save feature. This is not the smartest way to save the game, and it's certainly something they could have fixed. As you play the single player campaign, you'll notice you hit checkpoints along the way. Instead of doing the smart thing, like unlocking that portion of the level in a stage-select menu and overwriting your previous checkpoint to save space on your hard drive, the game instead makes an individual 25 kb save file for every checkpoint you hit.

This is both good and bad: it's good because you'll always have the weapons you had on you at the time (all though you may also curse that aspect of the gameplay if you had low ammo), it's bad because it's just a horrible way to use data space on this itty bitty hard drive. A few days after playing the game I checked out my hard drive to find have over 20 save files for Quake 4! I... jeeze, I don't know, but does it also make seperate saves for higher difficulties? The file would be 10 megs large!

I assume it's kept like this to preserve the continuity with which you gather weapons, since it's not like Gears of War, or Halo, which limit the amount of weapons you can carry. Once you pick up a gun, you have it for the rest of the game. It's classic, not wrong, and it's nice to have lots of guns when you're facing an army up close and personal. The variety is also a nice thing but it sure is a lot easier to switch weapons in GoW or Halo than it is in Quake. Your inventory was clearly talored for hotkeys on a keyboard. I don't think this game allows you the freedom to take them with you when you start a new game either (not necessary, but it would be nice to have that option)!

On the other hand, for a gamer like me, who has been looking to get some FPS gore in a different way than Halo, this is a good buy. Not as dark as Doom 3, lots of action, little scary, I can carry more guns (which comes with a bad thing, but is still a good thing), AND it's for the Xbox 360. I don't know about some people, but between buying it used for a 600 dollar console, and putting another 3000 dollars into a PC to get a few sharper texture maps, I think I have a fine deal.

Cashing in...

I'm not ashamed to be an avid gamer.  The general definition of the average gamer is the guy who finishes one game, puts it down and picks up a different one.

Now after having played all 50 + games in my collection, I weeded out the ones that would forever NEVER be played again.

Batien Kaitos: you're battles take too frieking LONG!
Starfox Adventures: you're made by Rare, whose awsome at graphics, but they suck at executing a good story in the gameplay.
.hack//: It could be good.  a lot of work went into it, but it just doesn't appeal to me.  Not because it's good or bad, though.
Battleship, you  always sucked.

The rest, actually, not half bad.  Resident Evil 4, I will buy you for the PS2, as I will for you XGRA. Sonic CD, you were reborn in Sonic Gems, as were you Devil May Cry 3, born again in DMC3:SE.

And one day, I shall gain Shadow of the Colossus.  A MUST HAVE!!!


The WYSIWYG editor for this site really sucks in firefox. Ironically, it should have been made to work on browsers like firefox because most programmers should know by now that IE isn't standardized.

Hell, IE can't even do CSS.

I posted a message about it in the forums, but I'm not sure if it even appeared.

Finished entering details on my collection

Well, how about that.  Apparently the approximate retail value of my collection is monstrous.  Actually it's not really that expensive.  Most of my collection was bought pre-played.  Most companies I buy from actually have a good track record with pre-owned games, usually re-surfacing and testing the game before they put it on the shelf.

Ironically, the only game I own that has a debilitating glitch was my Tales of Symphonia for GCN, which I paid full price for.  One of the sidequests in my particular copy of the game will cause the screen to go black and make buzzing sounds, like an alarm clock.  This is pathetic for a game that was factory sealed when I bought it.  I even sprung for a new memory card for it.  The particular store I obtained it from had a 14 day return policy, but I had discovered the glitch over a year after I bought it.

Sometimes, karma gives you a nice thick one, eh?

Not that I'm complaining, since at least the glitch is only in that one area and doesn't stop me from enjoying the rest of the game.