The Bunny Races in Star Ocean 3: The most powerful equipment in this game can only be won by gambling on the bunny races. On a good race you can gain as many as 8 points, once in a while. Most of the time, however, you will be left with nothing, screaming at your bunny to stop scraping the wall and MOVE FORWARD! For crying out loud, you WON the last race! The only way any sane person could gain the total 1000 points required to own the bunny-race trophy is to plug in a Turbo controller and let it run all night and day... after day... after day... And when you get the 1000 points, it is revealled that Square Enix has indeed burned you bad when the ticket counter says to you "1000 points? My, that's quite a feat! That is unless you used a rapid fire controller." Some poor soul wasted a week on his life...
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