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An idiot

I was an total idiot when I started writing my thoughts and emotions here. My blog has become public. Everyone reads it. I mean people who are not supposed to read it. I don't want to start all over again. In another web and I don't want to continue eather. All I want is to take it all out. Say it out. Spit it out. Rearrange the things I can't say in reality. Clear my mind. And now I can't do it in here too. What is wrong with u? What is wrong with me? Something is wrong with me..YES..a lot of things are wrong. OK I guess I can't say what I am thinking now and I can't say who I am hating, loving and how I feel about today. How went my day...fine.

So, I can only write what I have done. (Hea seegi)
3-4.november me and Lewuz went to Roosta. We visited Lauriiiiito. We took some bath and sauna. Lauriiito ordered us a meal. Unfortunately it was made with fish. I don't eat fish. But the potatoes were yummii:P Lauriiiito freaked me out all the time. What else. I watched the "102 dalmatian" on the TV. Lauriiiito and Lewuz played bowling and billiard.
Kind a fun.