Continuing, now from where I left off.
System 3/Super nintendo
Well see I know this lady named "Mom" I've known her for as long as I can remember actually. Well she has a sister who has 2 sons and a daughter. Basically one Christmas they were upstairs playing a Super Nintendo. Still new to the gaming world I wastched as the 3-D polygonal graphics danced across the screen. From then on I would always ask for one and eventually got one. OH THE JOY!
System 4/Playstation
After I got a Super Nintendo my Father tried to keep up in his desperate attempt to win me over from my mom and got me a SPS. All I liked back then were ridiculously childish games and platformers like Crash & Spyro. Every Summer when my Dad had to go to the office I would take the SPS with me and just play for hours upon hours slowly wasting my childhood in pure contemptment of Video Games. Until one day we arrived to his new office to find my SPS and my vast collection os Games Stolen. I was in shambles untill...
System 5/N64
Ah yes my N64. Again a purchase sparked by my cousins. Constant begging was always met with a firm NO. So when I half-heartedly opened my last Christmas gift only to reveal A N64 I jumped for Joy! I hooked it up (Meaning Mom hooked it up while I ran outside for about 2 hours even after it was ready to be played). Nonetheless when I calmed myself enough to enjoy probably my most welcomed gift ever I played Super Mario 64 until I got to the water level, got scared because I was timed, and turned it off to go eat pie.
Are you enthralled yet? Lem'me tell ya this is bringin' back some memories. Stay tuned for the Epic Conclusion!