My friends, it looks like the best era of gaming is coming to a close. The PS2. With it's share of great titles, this console holds some of the best videogame titles on it. But it also holds part of my childhood, and maybe some of yours too. Comment on this if you can, talking about some of the classics you think are the best games on the PS2, and if you want, make a vow to remember the PS2 and play it's greatest games before the curtains close. Here are some titles I recommend
* Final Fantasy X & XII
* Bully
* Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
* Splinter Cell
* The Sly Cooper Series
* Star Wars Battlefront II
Now it's your turn. Make the commitment to try and play these games, ( and post games YOU like for the PS2 in the comments) take the PS2 pledge I made. I, ( Enter name here) swear to play the Playstation 2, until it's death. I also pledge to play the greatest games on this platform, the platform known to many as the best gaming console of it's time. Please keep the PS2 spirit alive. It may die soon, but that doesn't mean it's spirit should fade away.