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Americas Next Top Model Is...

In celebration of the season finale of America's Next Top Model's eighth season, I have decided to make a review/overview of the entire series, with some comments about each cycle, my favorite models and pictures, much like the one Adam did in March (or whatever). Don't think of it as a rip off, though. It's more like an homage, really.

Cycle One

The first cycle did have its problems. The photo shoots weren't that interesting, some of the judges were pretty boring and the show just felt a little rough around the edges. All of this, however, was forgiven, because of the wonderfully extreme contestants. There were angry black lesbians, extreme, holier-than-thou Christians, stupid dancers, and kick-ass metal chicks.

Favorite Model:

Even though she was rather condescending and somewhat evil at times, I just loved Elyse. She was funny as hell, and her look was so great. She was the most edgy girl in the show's history, and she kicked butt. I also thought she had one of the best walks in the show's history.

Least Favorite Model:

Robin! Man, that woman could piss me off, with her b!tchy, holier-than-though attitude, and her faux "Christianity". That being said, she was hilarious to watch and her random outbursts of "He was a-lustin'" was just so much fun.

Favorite Picture:

The one that springs to mind is Elyse's snake picture. It's just stunning, I love her skin and her eyes. It's really beautiful.

Cycle Two

Probably my favorite cycle. The models were great, the photoshoots were fun, and the girls were all pretty high fashion which is fun. This was Nigel's first cycle, and he was such an asset to the show. Jay Manuel also got more room, and he's always fun. I hated the fact that they were featured in Tyra's video, as that had nothing to do with modelling, and I really lost much of my respect for Tyra in that episode. This cycle also had the strongest top three ever.

Favorite Model:

I absolutely loved Shandi. I always fall for the girls who aren't necessarily the prettiest. She was nerdy, but she really had something special, and she photographed wonderfully. She did the edhy high fashion stuff as well as the more commercial.

Least Favorite:

Camille. Need I go own? She was just horrible, but again in a very entertaining way.

Favorite Photo:

I loved Mercedes last photo, with all the metal strings all over. Truly stunning.

Cycle Three:

This was the first season I watched, and I loved it immediately. The photo shoots were fun, and I loved the strong personalities, and cat fights that occurred. I loved that they went to Tokyo, even though some of the challenges there were pretty silly. Janice was also hilarious in this cycle, and I loved how she changed her opinion about Tocarra every episode.

Favorite Model:

I'm torn between Yaya and Eva. Eva had so much spunk and she photographed well, but Yaya was just so stunning. She sometimes came off as rather condescending and arrogant, but I think it was exaggerated. She had the most striking features. Gorgeous.

Least Favorite Model:

This is really difficult. I think I'll go with Amanda. She did take some great photos and her eyes were to die for, but sometimes she looked like and onion with ears, and her attitude and fake sincerity was so annoying.

Favorite Photo:

Yaya's spider photo was incredible, and she's one of the most beautiful girls in the history of ANTM.

Cycle Four:

Another great season. This season probably had the most interesting photo shoots, and they were all so colourful. The models were really extreme, which is always fun. I could have lived without the South Africa trip, as it didn't really feel very model related.

Favorite Model:

I loved Kahlen. Again, she was one of those girls who aren't the most immediate beauties, but her look and her photos were fabulous. And her personality was just so sweet. I loved her.

Least Favorite Model:

Keenya. Eugh! She was so b!tchy, and so stupid. The whole "is Nelson Mandela alive" stuff was hilarious, but I seriously don't understand how she ended up in third place.

Favorite Photo:

Kahlen's nature picture was stunning. She looked like a nymph.

Cycle Five:

Probably my least favorite cycle. None of the girls were like WOW, I hated the absence of Janice. Twiggy never filled her shows half way. I hated J. Alexander, and I hated the over-produced feeling of it. The show really lost some of the more realistic aspects, when the models were given anything they needed. I loved the trip to London, though.

Favorite Model:

Bre was so spunky, I loved her look and I loved her walk. She was put off as rather evil, but I thought she was great.

Least Favorite Model:

Jayla was just pure evil, and her tantrums and weird glances were scary as hell. And her ears really scared me.

Favorite Photo:

I loved Nicole's black and white photo. It was so seren and natural. And her skin is great.

Cycle Six:

At first I thought cycle six was boring, but it really grew on me, and the really colourful extreme models just made it even better.

Favorite Model:

I loved Joanie, and even though I thought Danielle was great as well, she really deserved the title. Her pictures were amazing, and her walk, and personality was top notch as well.

Least Favorite Model:

Could it be anyone other than Jade? She was just crazy. Made the cycle so much more entertaining though, but she was seriously crazy, and how she made it to top three I shall never know.

Favorite Picture:

I loved Joanie's doll picture. She looked great and managed to be totally convincing as a doll.

Cycle Seven:

I'm a bit ambivalent towards Cycle seven. I loved CariDee and the twins, but the rest of the girls were pretty bland, and I didn't care for much of the photo shoots. And Eugena's presence in top three is another decision I'll never understand.

Favorite Model:

I loved the twins, and my favorite out of the two always changed. In the ends, I'd probably choose Amanda, because I do think her pictures were better and her face was prettier, even though Michelle's personality was better.

Least Favorite Model:

Melrose was just a pain in the ass, and I never saw the greatness of her. She was boring and annoying.

Favorite Photo:

I loved CariDee's black and white demon photo. Totally sexy and scary as hell.

Cycle Eight:


I really loved this latest cycle, mainly due to the many colorul personalities, and the fact that very few of the girls were bad. It's really difficult to choose who I like the most and the least, because they were all very good, and the list changed all the time. And the cycle had the best top three since cycle two!

Favorite Model:

I loved Jaslene from day one. From the small glance we saw of her in cycle seven, I thought she was going to be really one dimensional and stupid, but she so rocked my world. Her pictures were great, and she totally got the concepts. Her personality was also really sweet and the way she talked: "I walk like this all day everyday!" Imagine my bliss when she actually won! Probably my favorite victory of the show.

Least Favorite Model:

This position changed a lot. In the beginning I hated Natasha, but later I loved her, then I hated Renee and now I LOVE her. Looking back on it, I'd have to say Jael. I usually liked the offbeat, quirky, different girls, but I thought Jael was frickin' annoying, and I never really thought she looked good. At all.

Favorite Photo:

I loved the tranny photo shoots, and Jaslene really rocked it. She looks so sweet as a guy.
