What the heck. It was one whole moth between my two last blos, and now there's another one after two days? I don't know what's happened to me. I've suddenly regained the urge to blog. Or eprhaps I've found something to blog about, I don't know.
I'd like to begin the blog by writing about a movie I saw yesterday, that touched me like no other film has. The movie in question is Lars Von Trier's 2000 drama Dancer In The Dark starring Björk (my alltime favorite singer) as a woman going blind working in a factory. The movie was really, really depressing, and not something I'd normally enjoy watching, but the character of Selma and the powerful, gripping, tearjerking, amazing eprformance of Björk and all of her song-and-dance scenes really drawed me in like no film has ever before. Selma's imaginative music numbers work as a way to make her reality less horrible, and are all so well made. The end of the movie was probably the hardest thing I've watched in my life, and I cried ten minutes after it was over. Me: the mn with the heart of stone, who's only shed tears to tv or movies twice before -- Once last month during Jonathan's speech in The Prom and once last week to Anya's speech in The Body. I cried and cried and cried. Seriously the most emotional film I've ever seen. Go watch now!
Inspired by Dave's recent blog, I'm going to do a list of my favorite music videos. Yay.
My Top 15 Music Videos:
15. Fiona Apple - Sleep To Dream
A very simple video, but I can't keep my eyes off of Fiona
14. Miss Li - Oh Boy
Again very sinple, but I love the simplicity of it, and the fact that there's an entire band playing in an elevator.
13. Marily Manson - The Nobodies
I love this song very much, and the video really suits it. The whole dark fairy tale feel is great.
I know, Spice Girls. But the truth is, this is a very cute song, and the video is adorable.
The song is about winter becoming spring,a nd I think the video really portrays this, and Patrick looks smashing.
There's something really mesmerizing about this story-within-a-story I really adore.
I don't know why I love this video so much. It could be the plain colors or it could be becaus eof the fact that I'm secretly in love with Brian Molko.
8. Marilyn Manson - The Dope Show
I love the story of this video. A weird alien coming to earth and becoming a rock star. It's a great statement on our society, and it reminds me of the story of Ziggy Stardust. Which is always good.
I don't really understand what this movie is about, but it's just enchanting, and fits so perfectly to the mood of the song.
6. Patrick Wolf - Wind in the Wires
I guess this video shouldn't be this high on the list, because it's rather slow-moving, but that's why I adore it. It's slow and hautning, and really poerrays a serene pain in a way.
5. Björk - All is Full of Love
It's not my favorite song of hers, but the video is so good. Two lesbian robots having sex. How can you not love that?
4. Hello Saferide - Long Lost Penpal
Again, a very simple video, but I can't help but watch it over and over. I especially love the twist at the end.
Ah, the absurdity of this video is great. A transvestite performing a song in front of the most unlikely people ever. So sexy!
My favorite Björk song, and my favorite Björk video. I love the bald Björk, I lvoe her movements, I love her singing and I love her turning into a bear.
Now this is the sweetest video I've ever watched. Regina is adorable, when she's walking around the black-and-white apartment, in her adorable black-and-white dress and her imaginary boyfriend. And then comes all the colors and the holding of hands. This is what being in love looks like.