this my sound like a really stupiad qeustion and its very off topic but does anyone know how to figure out what kind of video card they have without out oening up the mother board-zepplin-Start > Run > type "dxdiag" > Display tab
Villiams' forum posts
[QUOTE="RoA_Chef"]I am having alittle fustrations right now in the online gameplay. Why for teh love of god are teh allinace sucking at pvp. Please dnt say its because of all the 12 yr olds because even doing pvp with my guild ending up in complete failure. I wish that my friends played horde then i wouldnt have a care in the world.not sure i do fine.
in battlegrounds for some reason the allinace gets pwned at warsong and AB.
the the allinace pwns at AV
One thing I noticed after rolling both sides, is that most horde sides PLAN before a game of WSG and AB. Even if it is a pug. Also, most times, horde work very well together. Alliance on the other hand, hardly ever plan (unless it's not pug). Before the new patch where everyone in the battleground is forced to join a group, there were always 1 or 2 fools that like to "solo". Not only this, every time someone actually tries to plan the match, they get called a "noob" saying "alliance don't plan dude.." or "planing is for noobs..". This attitude cripples the chances of alliance winning WSG or AB. These problems do happen to horde, but very rarely, and when it does happen, the alliance wins for once. Just an opinion.
hi i have 2 qeustions is Wow worth getting because im really considering getting it and also i did that is your somputer good enough to run this test on gamespot and mine is but my grapics card is like just at the minum will that make much of a differnece-zepplin-If you have a lot (I mean a LOT) of time on your hands, then sure WoW is definitely worth getting. WoW is made so that most computers out there can handle it. My little brothers computer (which has an FX5200) is very low end, can run WoW at 1024x768 everything set to minimum at very playable frame rates. Although everything at minimum, the game still looks descent.
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