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Villixy Blog

Momentarily put the DS lite down.

I think Nintendo's being a little pathetic coming out with a new DS handheld installment, the "DSi". What's with the "i" part anyways? Everything's got an "i" in it anymore: the iPod, the iPhone, the iDog, the Wii. Just go ahead and change generation X to generation I.

At any rate, kinda bored with my current DS games, so I'm re-reading old fanfics from the 2000's. Yay.

Needing New DS Game BADLY!

My list of DS Games goes as such:

Final Fantasy IV

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Justice for All

Chocobo Tales

Nintendogs: Dachshund & Friends Edition

Elite Beat Agents

Cooking Mama

Cooking Mama II

Mario Kart

Kira Kira Pop Princess

Brain Age II

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance II: Grimore on the Rift

Final Fantasy III

Animal Crossing

First post: Introduction time.


I'm a 20 year old, female, college student, gamer.

I consider my coral pink DS Lite my child.

I own a ds lite, wii, xbox, gamecube, PS2, N64, super nintendo, nintendo, atari.

I'm joining this site to give the opinions and reviews of a normal, good, cute, smart gamer girl.. the sort of person everyone I meet says they didn't believe existed. So! Contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
