I hear a lot of critics throwing around the "game of the year" title when speaking of The Last of Us. As amazing as it may be, saying something like that in the same year that a new GTA title is slated for release is a ballsy move.
@ShimmeringSword @Gandaleon Just because our country was founded on an idea, doesn't mean it was a GOOD idea. Slavery built this country, but no one is arguing to bring that back.
People seem to have this delusion that the founding fathers, and this country in general, are infallible. When, in fact, they were just as stupid as today's politicians. Just as greedy and self centered. And just as prone to making mistakes.
It is very likely that a majority of American's will never even touch a gun in their life, and will live very happily. So why do the rest of you need them?
Vincent1333's comments