No Data
by Vincent__Vega on Comments
It was just your typical weekday evening/ night. I turned on my playstation2 so that I could further develop my winning season on NCAA football. Upon starting the game it asked me to select my favorite college team, sortof like it does when you turn it on for the first time. This puzzeled me for I have already chosen a long time ago. It wasn't until I went to load up my dynasty that I discovered why this strange thing hapipined. For no reason, just out of the blue, my memory card with all my ea sports data on it (4 games) became unformatted. There was nothing I could do. I really wasn't that far in my sports games so I did decide to format it and get it over with, I can always play some more football and golf.
Then just out of curosity I threw in my other memory card, the one with all my non-sports games (all 3 GTAs, butt load of Resident Evils, and the big one, Gran Turismo 3) to was unformatted. Again there was nothing I could do, it wouldn't let me load anything and I couldn't save anything. I was majorly screwed. All I could do was bite the bullet and format. I now am the proud owner of 2 memory cards that look fresh out of the box and both contain absolutly nothing in them. All my GTA data gone. All my trophies, sports cars, and all my licenes from Gran Turismo 3 ( I was 20% away from 100%) well its all gone.
No Data Screw you Playstation....what did I ever do to you other than love you?
No Data
No Data
No Data
No Data :cry: ..........why.........
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