I kinda like xbox live gold, it filters out a lot of problematic gamers. Most young kids don't have credit cards so unless there parents are willing to dish out the extra dollars, we wont ever have to hear them plague game chat. More importantly its only 60$ a year, and some people cant afford that, and i say good don't pay it, if you cant afford 60 a year just think how garbage and slow there connections will be.
It seems like people are more inclined to talk about which console sucks less. Personally im not a fan of nintendo, yes i grew up with sup mario bros 1-2, and mario land 3, but who didnt. Reliveing the glory days of my childhood is not what I or most true gamers are looking for, and it sure as heck wont cut it in 2012 when it comes to monder gameing and our expectations. The type of games they make, the grafix and music at least in my opnion seem to be directed to little kids, tweens, people that cant hack the real learning curve of a skillset type game like halo or gears of war.
ViolentMarv's comments