some say its too close to call it, but i see a repetitive advantage of xbox360 over ps3, it is evident from screenshots, xbox360 continuously shows better textures, shadows, and lightning. it is more realistic and nicely done and has more stuff drawn cause xbox360 has a more powerful graphics chip, ps3 has a weaker one and hence shadows are not done correctly and a lot of small things or effects seem to be missing on PS3. uhonestly you'd think PS3 cause it has a 1 year extra to make their console and use newer technology ended up with a weaker system that is more expensive, so what the whole was the point? to put in a bue-ray? does anyone even use that? can't you just create a media PC and store all movies on HD and stream them on TV in HD, that is much better, then holding optical discs and handling them and paying for them to be made when its cheaper to purchase online.
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