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Vipralion Blog

Welcome to the Social


I now have a MySpace, a Windows Live Space, a Bebo, a Facebook, and now a Gamespot Blog. Amazing, isn't it? Why, you ask? Because I love the internet, and it loves me back. Actually, each of these social networking sites offers it's own view on how things should be done.

 -Myspace is merely the largest. It's nice that you can edit with CSS BUT that means everyone who wants to customize their profile has to either learn HTML/CSS or have "Click Here for MySpace Layouts" links scattered about their page.

-Windows Live Spaces definitely has potential. You need to dive in head first when you start using it because it doesn't seem like much at first until you start adding in elements. Customizing is accounted for through templates, though there aren't many. However, Live Spaces features the ability to drag and drop elements to where you want on the page. If you don't want your friends list right at the top then move it to the bottom. Move or even delete unwanted elements too. Plus the integration across the Windows Live network is the the absolute best thing it has going. I have one identity that I use for my hotmail, Xbox 360 Gamertag, Live Space, Live enabled Gaming Sites (ie:, Live Messenger, and hopefully much more.

-Bebo. Just another networking site it would seem. Customizing your layout is a lot more user friendly as they have pages of templates to choose from although depending on the template, a person's page can look icky.

-Facebook is basically the college social network. It offers no customization of your profile page or anything really. Just enabling you to have your presence online.

-Gamespot is a great place for me, as a gamer. I get all my reviews, previews, videos, news, and yay! I wouldn't be a subscriber if I didn't like what I was seeing now would I? It's nice to have a blog and forums where I can vent my gaming frustations and exhilirations! Hooray!


I want MySpace to go away, Windows Live Spaces to gain a more robust music component (currently it is powered by Pandora which is great for finding new music that is similar to bands you listen to!!), Bebo to go away, Facebook to... simmer (meh), and Gamespot to... give me more.