Underground info on God Of War 3!!
by Viral-venom13 on Comments
WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW.........is it just me or has that ps3 been building some serious volcanic fire as of late and well what i'm about to put here will just furthur intensify the heat to possibly blow off the roof's lid!!! I am suppose 2 be keeping tighted lipped about this but i'll try to not overdo anything or spill 2 much info. The other day i was checking out an underground website of some foreign country under Sony's Corporation but anyways what i saw completely began to raise my inner hype. It was about GOD OF WAR 3 8) that will be the trilogy 2 end it all. The guy in the interview they showed said that whoever sees this is not suppose 2 go all out and to keep most of the info. secluded he only provided small pieces of it. I saw 3 Concept Art Works for the third God of War coming!! one showed off kratos wearing an armor but for some reason it beard a strong resemblance to Prince of Persia 2 Thrones in that if i was seeing correctly it seemed that Kratos was being possessed by a darker demon side of himself that was attached to the left side of his entire body that showed him split in two right down the middle with 1 side looking like him from the previous games and the other looking well just down right evil and badass. He had sorta like spikes jutting out from the left shoulder of the evil side. The other 2 artworks showcased what seemed to be an epic battle or should i say war taking place across a vast desserted wasteland. On 1 side it showed kratos with that same 2 sided look however he seemed to have been the captain of his army since he was at the front center on what looked like a horse or pegasus with his weapon in hand and behind him was a huge army and i do mean huge as in gigantic and tall creatures (i'm guessing titans) mixed in with some soldiers that resembled those from the spartan army kratos once led. On the other side was the gods that seemed to have been headed by Zeus as i could recognize that long hair and beared anywhere and if i'm not mistaken it seems as though every single enemy that kratos came across in his past adventure games along with some new ones were also mixed in with Gods. The final one was another battle scene showcasing a brutal and vicous fight of the same waring sides however i noticed that there was something that stood out about it which was that it also contained the wife and child of kratos (very interesting)!;) This game no dobt will kick some serious ass and just as the other fans awaiting its arrival, i simply just can't wait 2 play this game!;).....Well thats my poll for 2day's entry, until next time, this has been an infectious presentation by the guy Viral-Venom.....peace!!8)........Please note what i said here is by no means bogus as i'm only speaking on what i saw and for the doubters that don't believe you'll just have to wait and c these images of which i speak when the game releases and it showcases the concept art footages.