Viral-venom13's forum posts
I'm in the real world right now (age 22) but i'm planning 2 return 2 college 2 snag up my other graduate degrees although i've graduated it back in 2007!!
Actually, i see the WiFi as a good move on Sony's part!! Yeah sure, many people may not need this element or have use for it but it could be a nice asset to have as well let's say there's a scenario in the future where the consumer may decide to test out the WiFi or would like to see it in action, they would have it right there at their convienience to use and not only that, they also get a nice Blu-Ray player for their cash as well!! Those in one combination plus more sounds like a really nice deal 2 me!!
I don't think it's a matter of timed exclusivity or anything as well Mr. Kojima had stated that the game was specially optimized to be played on the PS3 and only on that system so i doubt it may come. If you'd like 2 play it just simply get a PS3 and get it, i have it and i'm telling you, you won't be dissappointed as my jaws r still 2 the floor when seeing the game and playing it in hi-def and with surround sounds, lol!! I'm awaiting for Rockstar 2 bring across those 2 downloadable GTA IV episodes 2 the PS3!! :)
OHO...... well when it comes 2 showering, i'm the king of this as i literally lose count of how many times i take showers throughout the week. I work out at the gym on a regular so although i know i should shower like 2 or 3 times 4 d day, instead i'd go for like 4 or 5, lol.....heck i'd even take a shower for shower's sake, lmao, especially when it's hot and my body feels sweaty......i'm sorry, i think i need 2 go take therapy or something, lol, heck i can see it now "Venom, u r hereby Over Arrested 4 ATTEMPTED SHOWER," LMAO!! :lol:.......Don't get me wrong here as i pay my own water bill!!
no.. :P.. i only have 2 moderations actually.. :D
Well i guess that makes 2 of us, as i only have 2 as well!! 8)
Well i'm not gonna lie, i procrastinate a lot as i'm often laid back, lol ......but for some odd reason i always seem to get my stuff done and on time, guess i can do both at once, i dunno, LOL!!! :D
This should be a blog...
But while I'm here, all fanboys are bad but ps3 fanboys are the worst. They really take brand loyalty to a whole new level. Which is kinda sad.
i usally like to write blogs on my onw personal life... lol
yeah ps3 fanboys are bad (but not sure why eveyrone lieks to bash wii... odd)
It's not really everyone that bashes the Wii, just more or less that of many hardcore gamers (not saying all of them though). I'm a hardcore gamer and heck i even own a PS3 but i don't behave like that as the way i see it, games are games, no matter what console, you give me a game console and i'll play it's games (provided it's not 2 girly now as i'm not exactly into Barbie, lol) it's just that since we've grown so accostomed to games of which they term "hardcore," that were the main ones that were always being made in the past, many now who are very familiar with videogaming based on past experiences will find it hard to cope with this new "casual" style (as they term it) that the Wii brings that reaches out more to people who are not exactly into videogames. In my opinion all of the systems are great in their own unique way but they just have their disadvantages to them in some way or form!!
1-3 hours a day, sometimes I can get 5 hours in if I'm lucky.
I'm a lot like you except that i usually would get in like 4 hours a day on an average. The main reason for this is well the job that i do as well as just the way of how my body works.....what can i say, as Lil' Wayne says in that song "I, am not a human being!!!" LOL!!:lol:..........on weekends it's even less as i'm either up chatting with friends, out late hanging out with friends or up playing videogames or watching an awesome, action/violent movie!! :D
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