The moment has arrived, when my interest shifts to the 'other' video game company. Five months out of the gate, with twenty four Ps3 titles, and I'm ready to jump ship.
On that note, a burning question needs to be asked. Have I completely lost faith in the Sony brand?
I'll never tire of GTA IV, or blasting five colours of $%&* out of the Chimera in Resistance. :D The grandeur of MGS will always have a special place in my heart, and Resident Evil will quench my thirst for gore.
However, I'm considering buying a 360 Elite in the next month. A prospect that has got me feeling pretty excited! The timing might be slow, (okay, EXTREMELY slow) but there have been different versions, making it hard to settle on the right one.
Now, the timing feels right.
To be honest, the issue of reliability is at the forefront. :| The last thing I want is a machine that craps out after a month, but it's a risk that I'm willing to take. Fingers crossed that I'm not blogging (or ranting) about it at some point. Recently, I hear the problem has been lessened, which is assuring.
For years, I've appreciated the two, main rivals. There's no preference, and follicle wrenching hatred towards the other. :) The rabid fan boy issue is a total mystery to me. Both engines provide memorable game play, and each come with good, individual perks.
It's hard to believe the 360 has been out since 2005, and I've never bought one sooner. Bizarrely, it's the same four/five year period that I jumped from Ps2 to Xbox. :shock:
In terms of games, I'm keen to sink my teeth into the Halo universe again. Gears Of War is taunting me, :lol: and definitely on the wish list. Then, the venerable classics come in the form of Perfect Dark Zero and Dead Rising.
Talking about zombies, the real anticipation is focused on Left4Dead. I don't think that I've played a true zombie game since the early days of Resident Evil. I need my undead fix, and that'll probably make up the bulk of my first choices.
This blog is just to mark the next step in my gaming habits. Also, to signify a broader range of (upcoming) reviews on this profile.