I preordered Playstation VR on Tuesday and I'm picking it up in-store tomorrow.
VirtualAntics' forum posts
PS3: GTA V. (Mostly spamming the Snapmatic camera at every opportunity.)
Beyond: Two Souls.
Remember Me,
Call Of Duty: Ghosts.
PS4: I'm getting a PS4 at the end of January but already have a copy of Killzone Shadowfall.
Prototype series.
Beyond: Two Souls.
Remember Me.
The Walking Dead (Telltale games. Not the tv show tie in.)
Elder Scrolls: Skyrim.
Valkyria Chronicles.
Dragon Age II.
Binary Domain.
Medal Of Honor.
Grand Theft Auto V. (Trevor is the best.)
Resistance series.
Little Big Planet 2.
I've had a stupid amount of fun with the snapmatic camera phone. (Whether it's for professional looking shots or gaming moments that are completely messed up and funny. :D)
Hello everyone, I am stuck in a rut and need some suggestions.
I have ps3 and xbox 360 so I am not biased to a particular system.
Games I own or have played:
Xbox:Bioschok 1,2,infiite, fable,2,3 The Walking Dead, BF3, Borderlands 2, Dishonored, Mass Effect 1,2,3, RDR, Halo Reach, CoD Mw3, Command and Conquer Tiberium warfare, Dark Souls. GoW 1,2,3 Midnight club LA, Ghost Recon Future Soldier, Rage, Lost Planet,
PS3: MGS4, Assasins Creed 1 through 3, The Last of US, Uncharted 1,2,3, God of War Saga, Ni No kuni, FF13, 13-2, FF Real Reborn, lb2, lbp karting, infamous, demon's souls, sleeping dogs, xcom enemy unknown, bf3, DeadSpace1,2,3, skyrim,
Let me know what are some games I should not miss out on.
I plan to get GTA V, Assasins creed 4, bf4, cod ghosts, but I will wait for them to drop in price. I have gamefly so I can test before I buy. Thanks everyone.
F.E.A.R 1, 2 or 3, Resistance 1, 2 or 3, Killzone 2 or 3, Crysis 2 or 3, Medal Of Honor, Prototype 1 or 2, Halo ODST, Left 4 Dead 1 or 2, Aliens v.s Predator, Aliens Colonial Marines, Max Payne 3, Dragon Age II, Alan Wake, The Orange Box, Dead Rising 2, Dead Island, The House Of The Dead Overkill, The Darkness 1 or 2, Minecraft, Vanquish, Binary Domain, Mirror's Edge.
GTA IV I think. Although, I bought Little Big Planet and GTA IV first. Then I got hooked on/blown away with the Killzone 2 demo.
Less Halo style jumping for starters. :D It's definitely about team work, the win etc and more of an open world feel. The matches feel longer too.
Golden Axe: Beast Rider is a hidden gem. (And recommended if you ever played the classic Genesis series.)
Mini Ninjas is a lot of fun too.
As Franklin, I got into a fight at the Chinese theatre/walk of fame. I wanted to take a picture of the Republican Space Ranger and accidentally pushed two pedestrians. They took offence, and in the chaos I hit the Space Ranger for no reason. :D
As Trevor, I was on the corner of the Morningwood intersection and saw a car do a front flip and then rock from side to side in the middle of the road. The driver bailed out and ran for his life. :DÂ
As Trevor, I smacked into lamp posts across Los Santos on foot.
I flew into restricted airspace with the Atomic blimp and managed to outrun a helicopter.
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