Hello here is something I got in battlefield 3 while playing pretty strange huh
Vitality97's forum posts
After ready all the posts I have to agree with the people who said that adults can be alot worse I just hate the way they act immature like start raging and swearing because they got their killstreak interupted or something else, I only plug my headset when I want to talk with a friend over party chat or else very very rarely
As most of the people that posted before me said just don't get a refurbished console especially that one with a 20 gb HDD.I don't know how things work with gamestop (in Europe we don't have gamestop,bestbuy and other shops that you have) but we usually pay 300 euro for a brand new console but i got mine online for 100 euro less so that could be an option if you have a credit card.
Oh too bad they removed it now i know why i see in my friends console and not mine he does not update his firmware because he does not go online i really liked the "CHIMM' sound when i launch a game
When i played on my friends ps3 i saw the "playstation 3"title when i start a game even mines but on mine i dont get it why ?
thanks for the help people i just wanted to know does it have a mute button to mute it in-game so i can talk without eveyone in the game hearing me but i turned out that it hasnt.
i was wondering does the PS eye have a mute switch i was not able to find anywhere on the internet my question so i hope here someone will help
sorry i dont understand how internet things work but if i use a wired connection would i get a better ping in MW2 ?
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