I'm running an overclocked 8800 Ultra (660MHz Core / 768MB DDR3 2300MHz Memory) and I just re-ran the whole demo with the hack on XP. For my gameplay style (slow and sneaky) it's playable - barely. The most striking thing to me is that only when I specifically stopped to smell the graphical roses did I even notice the difference between the High and Very High settings. The frame rate was a little less, but not much - the one exception to both those observations is in the thick jungle, and to a lesser extent the water's edge. In the thick jungle things do look noticeably more realistic at Very High, but of course at the cost of frame rate. Still playable though - I find that the motion blur does help take the edge off of the lower frame rates. My impression after seeing the DX10 vs. DX9 Very High hack shots above is that any insistence by either Microsoft or Crytek that DX10 is required for the user to have the "full experience" is obviously disingenuous. That party line clearly bubbled up from the offices of Marketing and Strategy and not from anyone involved in crafting the user experience. I resent having native capabilities of software I've paid for deliberately switched off for fiscal reasons. Let's hope that the final release will not be hobbled. As I'm sure it will be, let's hope this hack (or some other) will work on it as well.
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