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Vividnightmare Blog

It's Natural Selection

So I beta'd the second planetside, it was beautiful but the gameplay was just a more condensed version of the first. If you were good at the first, you'll love the second. Personally I can't stand walking around a MASSIVE empty world for minutes just to die in a second from being shot in the back. But if that's your thing, cool. Got Halo 4, very impressive graphics for a 360 game, good gameplay, really dissapointing story and just a shamefully short campaign. At this point I highly doubt Halo 5 will even bother with a campaign, god the rate of corruption in gaming is going nuts.

But ALAS! There is hope! I also picked up NATURAL SELECTION 2. I was a fan of the Half Life mod some years ago and have been following NS2 since it was announced as a Half Life2 mod. NS2 is amazing. Graphically it's just awe inspiring and gameplay wise it's a monster, the learning curve is steep, even for a previous player such as a myself. It is completely worth the frustrations though. I wish they would put out a free play weekend or two for it, because I think the 25 bucks they want for it, while well worth it, is a big investment for a person who's never played a FPS/RTS/FPF before. First Person Fighter, I don't know how else to describe the Alien side of the gameplay, cause it sure as hell isn't a shooter. One way or another, NS is fantastic, if you got the cash and are interested or a fan of the first one, seriously it's worth the try.

Windows 8 and the gaming industry

So about two months ago I tried Minecraft for the first time, yeah I know I'm way behind on that one. So I instantly became addicted, got the 360 edition, played it for about two days before buying my girlfriend and me PC copies. Now I'm hearing Notch, one of the main people working on Minecraft, says they have no intention of certifying with Windows 8 because MS is killing the open platform industry. Now this brings up a few questions and a few thoughts. First, I agree, I think the entire software industry is killing the open platform format. First Apple, which it's always been, but then laptops and now Tablets. The industry is shifting towards hardware you, the consumer, can't do anything to work on yourself or otherwise save money with. I've never owned either, mainly because for less than $800 I can build a PC worth about 6 Ipads and better than a $2200 Laptop. Of course the security is the other side of the consumer cost maximizer. This is where my question comes in, I've been hearing a few other developers complain about Windows 8, but I'm not sure why. I looked it up, apparently windows will now come in 3 Flavors with a 4th special edition. Home, Premium and Ultimate will return as the only version available. These x86 versions will be both 32 and 64 bit from what I understand and will be no different to develop games on than Windows 7, of course as I said that's from what I understand, it's of course possible I don't know something. Also, there is this 4th edition, Windows RT. They haven't stated what the RT means, but this will be a mobile Windows, for smart phones and I think tablets. it will comes with office basic, no media player and it will only run certified windows programs. Also you can only get it when it comes pre-installed. Nope, Windows RT will not be sold to consumers, it's a 2nd party program only. If you want it, you'll have to buy a device which already has it installed. Honestly, it doesn't surprise me, this is like Android or Apple IoS as I see it, it just runs on top. Functionally, I'm confused about that thought process, sounds like a resource hog to me. Business wise this makes sense though. Anyway, I hope I can find more information on this. From what I get, the tablet is getting the closed platform not the PC. Simply put, Tablets are a closed platform. It was always the intention, Laptops were just the beginning of the concept. So I don't get what people are getting all worked up about. Like I said though, I've heard a few developers are complaining about Windows this time around, so there may be more at work here than I'm aware of.

Get stuff for your gamerscore

I'm not too big on posting news from one site on another, but this is pretty interesting. Yeah, MS is seriously just giving stuff to people for their scores, of course it's all lame, but the fact they're giving ANYTHING is intresting to me.

That new PC smell

So after playing the first beta test for Tera I really wanted to update my ram and CPU to handle TERA. After the second beta test I was compelled to get new gear, lucky for me I gots college grants. I picked up a Nvidia 560GTX sometime ago, just to stay up to date. So that didn't need replacing. But I needed to upgrade from my old Dual core to a new quad which meant a new motherboard. And I now run 8 gigs of 2133 ram instead of 4 gigs of 1333. And my HDD is now running at it's full 6 gigs a second instead of 3. My games run better now that's for sure but I'm still damn disappointed with my systems overall boot time. I can't wait for the 3rd Tera beta THIS weekend so I can see how my new rig handles it.

TERA your eyes out

So ends the second weekend of beta testing for TERA. I'm still in a mild amount of awe over how great it is thus far. It's everything I was hoping it would be, though it bums me out to hear it's been out for a year or so in Korea already. Tera makes me think of a game I've been following since before the 360 came out called Huxley. It runs on the same engine and has a similar goal technologically. Bring real time combat to the MMO landscape. Both run on the Unreal 3 engine and both are struggling like mad just to survive and see a serious release. Cause let's face it folks, until you release in NA and Japan, you haven't touched the real gaming market.
For those of you, you true gamers, who grow weary of the tedium of normal MMOS I recommend you check out TERA. I've been hearing a lot about Guild Wars 2 (GW2), for all the chatter about it I am thus far entirely un-impressed. Then again after I bought Guild Wars long ago I thought it was over hyped junk too. I guess the series just doesn't grab me, mainly the being able to start the game at level 20 or whatever killed it for me. Probably because I'm an RPG guy, not a PvP guy, so I enjoy the grind to a degree. I enjoy leveling up, getting new gear, new abilities, etc. IMO PvP, especially in MMOs, seems to be a competition of who has the most free time and the largest credit line for ebaying in game gear and buying gold. I also disagree with the philosphy of turning something that's supposed to be fun and relaxing into a teeth grinding competition.
If I had to rate TERA as of right now, I'd go with a 7.5/10 probably. Maybe 8. It's good, it's beautiful. But a majority of people won't be able to run it on max, outside of the real time combat and a LOT of MMO tedium being abridged to focus on gameplay it really isn't all that mind blowing. Still I do love the real time combat. Chances are I'll buy it and play it for the first "included" month of gameplay, just like SWTOR. I'm in the process of trying to upgrade my PC to get some crazy performance, maybe once the beta test gets the HD textures in and I'm cranking the game on max at a smooth 60fps I'll have a higher opinion of TERA, of course my opinion as of right now isn't all that low. Especially considering my opinion on MMOs in general. So let me correct myself. As far as games in general goes TERA is about a 7.8, but when rated as a MMO it's a 11/10 easy.

PS4 and Xbox 3.

So the Ps4 and Xbox 3 are coming... Of course they're coming. It sure seems like some people are surprised but I don't see why. So kids it's time for my predictions and rants. Yes rants. Let's start simple, for any and all of you techies like me I know you'll agree with me on this, can we PLEASE get at LEAST a gig of system ram this generation? please? When are console makers going to dump some ram into a system? It's the cheapest component in a computer and it's the one things console makers cheap out on the most AND it's a major need for large texture resolutions which is a MAJOR part to good graphics. So please, at least a gig and if you ask me I say go crazy and go for two gigs.
Names, let me just cover names real quick. The Ps4 I'm ok with, I get they stuck with playstation and just want a numerical index to their console generations. But if the next xbox is called the 720 I'm going to bludgen myself to death with my 360. The thought of merely doubling the number for whatever sake doesn't make sense. The 360 was named aptly so because it was bringing a new 360 degree level of network connectivity to your entertainment world. At this moment one can only guess how many times I watched the microsoft xbox press conference for the 360. But it did exactly that, let's face it, Xbox 360 has changed gaming forever. Well xbox live to be percise.
Hardware, for us techies we all wanna know. Of course we want, maybe even need to know. As I already said we need at least a gig of system ram. At least, two would be amazing and I can't even fathom four at the moment. Even though my home PC has eight. The CPU and GPU I'm not too worried about, it's obvious the gaming industry understands what to do in that department. Though I would like to see less R&D and more raw horse power in the chips, for all of sonys hype of the Ps2s emotion chip it was just a outdated intel and for all of the Ps3s mighty 9core CPU they bottle necked it with only a half gig of system ram. Finally though, it's time to get rid of motion based storage mediums. CDs, DvDs, Blu-Rays, anything that spins needs to go. It's too slow. It's out-dated. Let it go folks. Solid state is the future, motion based reading just can't keep up. I'm not saying put a solid state hard drive in the new consoles, that is way too expensive. But games on some type of custom SD card I think is right, going back to a 'cartridge' system may be exactly what this industry needs. A custom SD card which can be producded cheap, though not as cheap as a disc I know, could hold gigs of data and have much better data transfer rates. Of courrse some kind of Solid State Optical would be ideal, keep the cheapness of discs but get the transfer rates of optics.
The Future. I could go on and on about this.It's pretty simple, the first person to photo realistic graphics wins. Or has a big head start on being near the end of console generations, well at least generations with purpose. They will always be willing to sell you a new console as long as you're willing to buy it but that's a different topic. Once photo realism is a graphics standard the final tech leap for visuals will be quantity. It's great you can make one guy on screen look photo realistic, now I need a valley filled with soliders that all look that good. Once you can do that, the hardware will be done with. Someday there won't be a physical storage medium, everything will be through the internet. The xbox will just become an enclosed network you purchase everything through, elimiating buying games. Instead if you can buy anything you'll just buy point cards or possibly redemption cards for games through the network. But there won't be any actual content or data in the card. You'll just punch in the 16 or 20 digit key and redeem it for the content or 'points'. The sad thing is the price of games won't drop just because the cost of those games drops.
Of course the games, can't wait for a few things. God of War, we all know there will be another, if sonys smart it will be on the Ps4. Gears of War, the series may or may not be over but Epic will make another series like it or work out some way to continue or otherwise remake it. The next generation of consoles will bring a whole new level of gore into your living room, and I cannot wait for relic to make a sequel to SpaceMarine on this next generation. Let's hope we get another Batman Arkham on this new generation, of course we will but is it even possible to do better than City? I really hope we see a new Duke Nukem, I loved Forever and hope the Duke never dies. Last two which I'd like to mention though there are probably hundreds worth mentioning is, Call of Duty and Fable. Call of Duty is going to become a online only soon, and Elite will be the paid version of a otherwise Free to Play game structure. MW3 was good, the writing was mind blowing but the single player content was virtually non existant. It reminds me of the old counter strike single player if any of you remember what that was. Except much better. Finally Fable may finally have the chance with this next generation to become the game Peter Molyneux keeps apologizing to us for telling us he was making but didn't actually make. I don't know what this new Fable coming up is exactly but it seems it's not a true successor to Fable 3 but more of an off shoot. Hopefully Fable 4 and I hope Black and White 3 (crosses fingers) come out on this next generation and blow us all away.

Happy holidays I suppose

So the holidays are upon us again, time for rabid greed to take the forefront of a holiday that's supposed to be about the brotherhood of man and peace on earth. I guess peace on earth means trample each other to get the hottest toys and gadgets. I guess I could be a little jealous on this subject, over the last year half of my family has lost their jobs. I've been unemployed for going on three years. The economy continues to crash while the news/media lies to us that it's getting better. The holidays consist of lies through gritted smiles, a lack of love and an excess of greed and people making asses of themselves all in the name of the holidays. There were, possibly still are, belief structures that believed in human sacrifice for the holidays. They would kill the chosen one, then burn the corpse. Compared to how most 'civilized' people in this country act for the holidays, I believe sacrifice is the more humane than black friday.

Why do developers HATE Co-Op?

Seems like a strange question in a way but I do believe they do hate putting it in games and not just because it requires extra work on their part. As a consumer Co-Op is great. It greatly increases the value of a game to some and minorly to others. The issue is SO many developers either don't do Co-Op or IF they do they seem to do everything they can to screw it up so it sucks. So here I have compiled a list of how they screw it up and will end this little blog of mine with the over all answer.

The Number one way developers ruin Co-Op is more or less a tie for me. Since I can't choose, the first one I'll use is Vertical Split-Screen. Where the screens are side by side instead of one on-top the other. I'm not quite sure WHO first thought of vertical split screen but he/she needs to be shot. While I'm sure there must be SOMEONE out there that prefers vertical split to horizontal split, what it comes down to is options. Some games, though it's rare, give you the option to choose vertical or horizontal split. That's fine with me. The bottom line though is Vertical is grossly inefficient for most games especially shooters. Vertical split screen is like reverse wide screen, it drastically cuts your visual range from the side to side field and this is by far the most important thing to Shooters is visual range. Vertical split screen should be an option or outlawed. I don't care which. But making a game vertical split screen just kills the Co-Op buzz for me, it's just a far less enjoyable experience when you and your buddy are both sitting there getting shot or damaged by some unseen enemy because your character has NO side vision at all. Also side by side seems to be a little harder to draw a mental line with, where exactly your screen ends and the next begins is a little harder to tell then with a horizontal split. Why? Because you're used to being able to see left and right, not just forward. Players are used to tilting up and down to look. So with horizontal split there's little confusion to where your screen ends and the next begins. With vertical split you're used to being able to see so much more to your sides and your eyes just aren't used to having such a short visual range.

The number two on my list, or the tie for first is On-Line Co-Op. There is no bigger kill joy than seeing an awesome game that is Co-op, just to get it in your hands to see it's on-line only. I guess game companies just don't care about this gerenal state of the world economy. Not everyone can afford a console and/or a paid subscription just to play on-line. The most recent dissapointment in this list is Crackdown 2. While companies seem to believe we all have unlimited funds, the truth is we dont. Of my group of friends I'm the only one that owns any console at all, so if I want to play Co-Op with my friends it can ONLY be Local. Making Co-Op online only does have it's ups, reducing stress on the console allows for better overall performance of a game and if you don't mind playing with random people online and rolling the dice to see if you find a decent person to play with on-line it's possible to play co-op without having any friends. But overall many games that would be mind blowing end up being just ok because you can't play locally. Co-Op can be fun with a stranger online, but generally you either can't find a match OR you get stuck with some jack @$$ who either has NO clue how to play or thinks it's fun to kill you and/or just generally ruin the experience for you in some way, shape or form. Longevity is also cut short for Online only co-op. Too Human is a great example. Personally I really enjoy Too Human. I would have LOVED that game Co-Op. But it was online Co-Op only. Finding games for it online was always hard, but now that it's a old title it's impossible. If it were local co-op I could have a buddy come to my place to play and I would still be enjoying that game. But since it was online only it's no longer in my collection, I beat it to pieces single player and had no where left to go with the game and therefore go rid of it.

The Third on my list is hybrid split screen, games like Lost Planet 2. Where there is a split screen mode, it's not technically horizontal or vertical but one things for sure, it sucks. I've seen different attempts at non-typical split screens. Lost Planet 2 being probably the worst of the bunch. But I'm sure some developer somewhere will come up with an even worse concept. There isn't much to say about this one since there is no General Hybrid split screen type, every instance of these is unique to the game developer. While some are ok and more tolerable than vertical split, it comes back down to Horizontal still being the best of the bunch.

The fourth way to ruin Co-Op is side kick or "hindered" co-op. Fable 2s (local Co-Op) Is the perfect and exact example. Also Mario Galaxy is a good show of "Why Bother?" Co-Op Design. Games where you can have a second player but the second player has a reduced and less influential status in the game. Instead of player 1 and 2 having the same abilities and damage output, the 2nd player is forced to play as some sort of reduced version of the first player. While this type of Co-Op is rather rare, it still exists and it still sucks up Co-Op.

The fifth and final one is for shared screen Co-Op games. While Shared screen co-op for games like Marvel Ultimate Alliance is a perfectly fine and good way to do co-op for games of that type. Some developers have a tendency to zoom the camera in WAY too far, there by suffocating both players. Again Fable 2s Local Co-Op is just the perfect example of how to put local Co-Op into a game and completely ruin it to the point where it's just a waste of code.

So then WHY do developers do these things? Well sometimes I wonder if it's just to punish the consumer for wanting it. Some type of spiteful action on the developers end , but this is absurd... I hope. Game companies aren't run by gamers and enthusiasts anymore, so the days of developers trying to make the best damn experience possible is over. Now it's based off of output compared to input and profitability. The reason some companies screw up Local Co-Op is generally just poor design on the companies part or due to some type of time constraint where doing it right would take longer. Of course I'm a strong believe of if you aren't going to do it right just don't do it. As for On-line only co-op the answer is, wait for it... MONEY. Yes money. Not surprised? No I wouldn't think so. They do online only so they can sell more copies. Why make a game local Co-op when you can make it online co-op only and sell TWO copies? Yes it's true. Of course there is the claim that running a game in co-op is too much stress for a single console to handle and two are required. While this is an acceptable answer to a point, there are some games out there that just are obviously trying to squeeze every penny out of consumers. Which is too bad, because there are games out there that I have bought ONLY because they were Local Co-Op. While companies like to believe they are making better money by doing this under handed thing of making co-op online only, I believe they would sell better were they to make the game local Co-Op and Online. I have purchased quite a few titles for their Co-Op values alone, games like Dynasty Warrior and Dark Kingdom, while these titles are rather medicore on their own the element Co-Op put them from boring to worth buying because of how fun it is to have partner. Games that would otherwise be bland and unworth playing are a blast with a second player, but if the Co-op isn't local then what's the point? Online play is just so susceptible to so many variables. With local Co-Op you know you're going to have fun as long as the games good.

To finish this thought process I say this, to one and all. Mainly to developers but anyone listening. If anyone is listening. You want to make a good Co-Op folks? You wanna know exactly how to make a GREAT co-Op experience that will give you a major chance to increase sales? Look to Halo, Left 4 Dead, Gears of War and Borderlands. They by FAR have the best Co-Op designs possible. While Borderlands does fail by using a vertical split instead of a horizontal split, it's at least local and the second player is able to do everything the first player can. What it comes down to is Halo, Gears of War and Left 4 Dead. ALL developers in the world, when you go to make a shooter of the first or third person flavors and add Co-Op look to Halo 3, Gears of War and Left 4 Dead. Examine them, study them, copy them, love them, worhship them. Great Local Play with optional Online Co-Op. All of them are horizontal split screen so both players have the optimal field of vision for play. Finally both players have the same control and influence to the game world. Neither player has 'reduced' capabilities compared to the other.
So, to condense. Co-Op for virtually all games should be Horizontal or 'stacked' split screen, no player should have a reduced or negatively altered status (i.e - Do less damage, have less customizing options or have less than the other player in any way. Again look to Fable 2s local Co-Op to see exactly what NOT to do to the second or any other player.). That's basically it. Those two things should be adhered to for all Co-Op designs. Past that it's up to the developer how to make the actual experience work.

So theres a run down for Co-Op. How they screw it up, Why they do what they do and how to fix it to give gamers the best possible experience possible and start selling some truly worthy titles. Following those two simple guidelines of Horizontal Split screen Co-Op and Making sure both players are equals and both have the same abilities will add quality and serious longevity to games.

E3 for MS is FAIL

E3 for MS is was a epic fail, other than the unveil of the new 360 which looks nice. Kinect was a HHHUUUGE fail for me, I really had my hopes up but eh. Either way, No Gears 3 announcement. No new console. No nothing other than Kinect... lets hope Epic and Valve put up something special.

Pay to try? Linkage. Very important. If you're reading this PLEASE read that small article. It's something we need to try to get as much attention to as soon as possible. Corporate greed is at it again and we as a gaming community SERIOUSLY need to do something about this.
I personally have been rather sick and fed up lately with how FEW games get demos. I do no generally buy before I try and with how horrible games are becoming in general, be it high budget or not, I've pretty much stopped buying games without trying them first all together. So this jack @ss goes and says he wants to start charging for us to play DEMOS. WTF? Is he out of his f*&king mind?Then to top that off he makes the moronic statement of saying EA supports this idea... like that's a smart thing to say. Telling us that the most exploitatious, soulless and money hungry game production company out there is for something is like saying Hitler supports something, you pretty much KNOW it's a bad thing for the general populace just BECAUSE they support it.
Now while I DO believe that the community will to a point retaliate against this in it's own way, by pirating games extra hard when there is no demo or pirating the demos themselves. In any case though we really need to make people aware of this situation, the fact that corps are even talking about this subject is a dangerous thing. If we don't start trying to get our voices heard over this subject soon we will be in serious trouble. Pay to play, not pay to try.
The fact that this is even being contemplated is a serious issue folks. Don't let them fool you, charging US money to play a demo puts extra money in their pockets and nothing more. It's just sheer greed. So please, if you read this, please tell other people to read it. Get this HEARD everyone, PLEASE get this heard and get some action taken. Also, if you could, direct them to my blog post about this so I can get some comments on my blog about this. Thanks.