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Windows 8 and the gaming industry

So about two months ago I tried Minecraft for the first time, yeah I know I'm way behind on that one. So I instantly became addicted, got the 360 edition, played it for about two days before buying my girlfriend and me PC copies. Now I'm hearing Notch, one of the main people working on Minecraft, says they have no intention of certifying with Windows 8 because MS is killing the open platform industry. Now this brings up a few questions and a few thoughts. First, I agree, I think the entire software industry is killing the open platform format. First Apple, which it's always been, but then laptops and now Tablets. The industry is shifting towards hardware you, the consumer, can't do anything to work on yourself or otherwise save money with. I've never owned either, mainly because for less than $800 I can build a PC worth about 6 Ipads and better than a $2200 Laptop. Of course the security is the other side of the consumer cost maximizer. This is where my question comes in, I've been hearing a few other developers complain about Windows 8, but I'm not sure why. I looked it up, apparently windows will now come in 3 Flavors with a 4th special edition. Home, Premium and Ultimate will return as the only version available. These x86 versions will be both 32 and 64 bit from what I understand and will be no different to develop games on than Windows 7, of course as I said that's from what I understand, it's of course possible I don't know something. Also, there is this 4th edition, Windows RT. They haven't stated what the RT means, but this will be a mobile Windows, for smart phones and I think tablets. it will comes with office basic, no media player and it will only run certified windows programs. Also you can only get it when it comes pre-installed. Nope, Windows RT will not be sold to consumers, it's a 2nd party program only. If you want it, you'll have to buy a device which already has it installed. Honestly, it doesn't surprise me, this is like Android or Apple IoS as I see it, it just runs on top. Functionally, I'm confused about that thought process, sounds like a resource hog to me. Business wise this makes sense though. Anyway, I hope I can find more information on this. From what I get, the tablet is getting the closed platform not the PC. Simply put, Tablets are a closed platform. It was always the intention, Laptops were just the beginning of the concept. So I don't get what people are getting all worked up about. Like I said though, I've heard a few developers are complaining about Windows this time around, so there may be more at work here than I'm aware of.