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Vladimerelenin Blog

Fallout 4?

What is the Fallout series going to do now that they've switched hands numerous times and Skyrim is on the way? Is Fallout 4 a possibility? Yes. Fallout 4 is announced to be in a brainstorming stage, not quite to production yet. There are no leads as to where it will take place, but Bethesda's Jason Bergman said, "you'll get no tips from me where the next Fallout will take place, but the Mojave Wasteland was fun to explore. Wasn't it?"

Personally, I would hate if they stuck with the Mojave. It's not that the Mojave was a bad setting, I loved it after-all. I just want to see different places, and how the war affected other areas of the world. I'm saying China would be a great place. We've seen the war's affects on America in the Fallout series, now how about China? No-one in Bethesda's going to listen to me, but I'm throwing it out there.

All I'm positive of is that Skyrim will be great, and Skyrim will tide me over untill Fallout 4. I don't know about you, but I'm dieing waiting for Skyrim.

SKYRIM...Great? Or good?

Elder Scrolls: Morrowind some can say started the Elder Scrolls series. There were games before it but it really set the stage. Then came Oblivion which really got the gears moving. Now comes SKYRIM...will it be the great one we've all been waiting for? Or will it take the game devs down a peg?
They've updated the graphics engine and added new atmosphere effects, but did they get rid of options we've all loved? I'm not sure, but either way it will/is on my GOT TO GET list and you can be sure to see me in line for it THE DAY IT COMES OUT!