My take on the Xbox 360 Elite
by Vodnix on Comments
In recent gaming news, Microsoft has announced that a new version of the Xbox 360, the "Elite" would be hitting shelves on April 29. Included upgrades feature a 120GB HDD, an HDMI port, and well, a change of color. Being a Premium Xbox 360 owner since around June of last year, no doubt I'm a little sore. The Elite is without a doubt a technically superior machine to the Premium, and I feel like my console is just the "middle model". This also proves that the Sony business plan is a smart one. Think of the similarities between the machines. Black finish, HDMI, and Microsoft had to "1 up" Sony by doubling the HDD of the 60GB PS3. I find this also shows a bit of insecurity and a lack of confidence in Microsoft's original business plan. They obviously did not think the Premium model could compete with the PlayStation 3. However, the Xbox 360 seemed to be doing fine. Well, minus Japan. Although the option of the added HD-DVD player would have added substantial cost to the system, it would have showed that Microsoft is serious about backing the format, which in turn = confidence. If anybody reads this, leave a comment. I'd love to hear what you think about this decision by Microsoft.