Byshop you seem like an intelligent fellow - But even the brightest fall to the pranks of the sinister. Quit feeding the troll and maintain discipline with the OP's contention. Dakan cant enlighten you any further, so let him cry.
All the glitches I've seen have been minor things like the odd person clipping through a door or an intercom voice not getting the intercom audio filter applied to it. I have seen the save game bug, but I've been manually saving throughout so it hasn't been a dealbreaker for me.
Beyond what has already been suggested (ini file tweaks, drivers, etc), my only advice is to wait for a patch sadly. Fallout 3 was pretty buggy at its initial launch too but they had some major stabilization patches out within the first few weeks.
Out of curioisty, are most of the people in this thread who are seeing issues running Nvidia?
Agreed! The gamesave issue was also pertinent during the Fallout 3 release and since then I have taken to manually saving my games to avoid further issues. But currently im running ATi and havent suffered as many issues as others have. I think most of the issues themselves delve from Obsidian and their lacklustre performance. But im sure that goes without saying.
I think the best way for fellow readers to deal with said issues is to keep checking with their manufacturers respective websites for updates on their said drivers/hardware. I dont think ATi or nVidia are to fault here as i stated previously, but maybe they can pickup where Obsidian left off :lol:
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