Voodoo2k3 / Member

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Help save Xfire!

I'm a hippie! I've been posting like mad on this! Read this to see what it's all about:

Yahoo Inc. filed a lawsuit against Xfire on January 28, 2005 claiming patent infringement over US Patent No. 6,699,125. The first we heard of Yahoo’s patent infringement claims was a call made the night before Yahoo filed its lawsuit. Yahoo never attempted to contact us beforehand nor did it send a cease & desist letter.

If you don't know what Xfire is it's a chat program where you can also join your friends games they are playing and chat with them in game and so on. Yahoo has a similiar but *cough*crappier*cough* program. As you can see in the above statement, Yahoo didn't even attempt contacting Xfire before hand. It seems like they are running scared, thinking the underdog might beat them in something since Xfire is much more popular than Yahoo's program.

Help keep Xfire alive by visiting this link: http://www.xfire.com/xf/modules.php?name=XFire&file=cmspage&body=xf_lawsuit which has a numerous amount of things you can do to help keep Xfire alive and well and escape the evil hands of big corporation Yahoo.

To contact a few people at Yahoo to give them a piece of your mind their emails are here:

Investor Relations Contacts:

  • Sabrina Crider, Yahoo! Inc., sabrinaf@yahoo-inc.com

    Media Relations Contacts:
  • Brian Nelson, Yahoo! Inc., bnelson@yahoo-inc.com
  • Terrell Karlsten, Yahoo! Inc., terrellk@yahoo-inc.com
  • Also SIGN THE PETITION "Yahoo Lawsuit on Xfire - Stop It" here:


    It takes a few seconds to fill out and the more there is the better.

    Also Sign up for Xfire here to help support it:
