Ok so for about a week during the holidays the net was down because dad tried to get his laptop hooked up wirelessly causing plenty of problems for the rest of us. But we managed now and it's back up!
Also my christmas stuff!
Starting with games:
Sims 2 - Great game. Funnier than the first because there is a sense of meaning to what you do. You have objectives, more options and your Sim's die making the game take new turns rather than just never ending or having a purpose like the first game. You can have kids and just keep going through one family forever. It's really neat. Not to mention great graphics.
Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle-Earth - Click for review. The skirmishing sucks. And the building and resource collecting just plain sucks. But the battles are sweet. Great heroes and one of the best RTS campaigns I've played. So it really is fun.
Metal Slug Advance - Hard as HELL. This game really puts you to the test and getting through an entire mission without dying is a talent. But it's got some great graphics and side scroller shooting and is just as much fun as the original. More or less. Plus it beats the hell out of Mario Kart Advance.
I got a DVD player, a nice enough one that plays my movies. And I got TONS of movies.
Return of King Extended - 4 hours is to much for one sitting but the extended scenes are awesome. Saruman's bit was great even though it's odd how they can talk and hear each other when Gandalf is on the ground and Saruman is WAY WAY WAY up on the top of his tower. But you have a totally different interpretation of what Treebeard says afterwards. Also the bit at the Black Gates where that gross guy with the huge mouth with the big teeth show the Fellowship Frodo's armor was totally sweet just because that thing looked so cool. Completes my extended edtion collection nicely.
Sleepers - Kevin Bacon, Brad Pitt, Dustin Hoffman, Robert Deniro. I haven't seen it yet and never heard of it. But could someone post something on it cuz I dunno if its good or bad but this cast is awesome.
The Shining - Stanley Kubrick is one weird guy. But his movie The Shining is creepy as hell and Jack Nicholson is brilliant as the lunatic Jack. Those twins still scare me though. Same with the guy who says "would you like some ice cream?" through "the shining". I still don't full understand the ending.
Ace Venture Pet Detective - Stupid is funny. Ace is stupid. Ace is funny. The comedy is as childish as Jim Carrey but unlike anyone else that old Canadian boy can make anything funny. I love when he's in the giant water tank and Cox is saying "get out of there Ace" and with that Scottish accent he replies "I CAN'T DOOO IT CAPN! I DONT HAVE THE POWER!"
Ocean's Eleven - Not talking about the original. I mean the recent one with Clooney and his gang of People magazine cover boys. Although it's quick, sharp and cool. A satisfying and fun ride. Let's your stressed old brain take a holiday. I soothed my mind with this when I was about to explode because the net was down.
Training Day - I bought this because it was 10 bucks. Never seen it but Denzel is good and he got an Oscar for it right? Must be good.
Blade Runner - Got it because it was cheap and parents thought it would be good to add since it's a classic. I never liked it as much as Minority Report but it's still good. Not a classic in my mind but it is a nice addition.
Dances With Wolves - Again, cheap so I got it because it's a quality movie. It's long so I'm hesistant to watch it but Best Picture 1990 means it's gotta be good right?
The Shawshank Redemption - Yep, I got the new two disk one. Simply put, an amazing picture.
Spider-Man 1 and 2 - My favorite super hero and my favorite super hero movies. End of story.
Shrek 2 - It's pretty funny and charming. Puss...IN BOOTS is definitely an awesome character. He makes my day. Yet I hate Bandaras. Maybe it's just the face?
So post your comments on my stuff. My wrist hurts so Im gonna stop now...