My brothers bought 2 new games today. Riddick for PC and Resident Evil 4 for the Cube. Even though they bought them I still play em for a bunch of reasons.
They allow me to play RE4 because it's my cube. I went out and bought it since they are too damn lazy and I just want to.
I can play Riddick because my bros CD drive isnt working at the moment so I said he could play it on my comp as long as I got to play.
But I also play because they are to afraid to say no to me.
Now onto the good stuff. Which is better?!
There's no doubt about it. Both are totally awesome games. The graphics in both are mind blowing and the engines are staggering but if you ask me I'd have to say Resident Evil 4 is far and above Chronicles of Riddick.
At first you may think RE is just another action game. It is pretty linear. You just shoot lots of weird spanish folk then collect items and use them to unlock stuff and repeat. But being in the Resident Evil universe it's just so much cooler. All the classic elements of the game are there like combining stuff and the herbs and everything you love but now we have FINALLY good controls, good camera. The two problems that Capcom never addressed because it defined the games as original has been addressed and its the best RE ever! The enemies are fun to kill. You shoot them in the leg and they will limp or fall, the will spin if shot in the side and drop their weapon if shot in the arm. Not to mention the graphcis are amazing, environments and level design is superb. It really is a classic on GCN.
Riddick is good in it's own right. Crystal clear textures and characters are amazing to look at and the hand to hand combat is just brilliant. The stealth stuff is pretty good but you can't get your hands on enemy weapons because of the identification thing. It's original and cool but if I could choose between RE and Riddick, RE would win. But both are amazing single player games.
It's been a good day for gaming. I've got the flu, but atleast I can entertain myself now.