I built my gaming PC last year, using very "last-gen" parts which I think perform beautifully - an XFX 780i Motherboard, Intel E8400 CPU, 8GB of DDR2 RAM (800Mhz) as well astwo 1TB Hard Drives(one for media files, another for programs, OS, games etc)and an XFX 1GB GTS 250 to drive the graphics.
This year I'm going to futureproof the system as much as I can with a CPU upgrade to an Intel Core 2 Quad Q9650. Eventually I plan on throwing in an additional GTS 250 to make use of Sli - though depending on prices, I may upgrade to a Nvidia DX11 card instead, just to be ready for the DX11 games.
Sure, its not the most powerful system, especially with Intel's new Core i7 range, but Nvidia aren't allowed to make chipsets for them and for some reason, the idea of having Nvidia do the chipset is more "exciting" to me (as flawed as that logic may be)
As for my console gaming, I got my PS3 slim last christmas, mostly because I had come to the sad realisation that Heavy Rain would never be coming to PC. I have also played the PS3's much hyped Uncharted games, Uncharted 2 definitely lives up to the hype, its a beatiful game that's fun to play. Though I cannot for the life of me get the hang of Deathmatch on multiplayer.
I'm trying to expand my gaming horizons by playing all these FPS games that everyone loves so much, I've always been a third person gamer myself, I like games with interesting storylines like Silent Hill, but it seems developers have grasped that telling an interesting story is a key part in games and games like Dead Space & Crysis have finally started to appeal to me.
That's my first blog - fun times
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