They talk about the future of gameing yada yada yada, yet they STILL cant even tell the consumers if Infinity will be released on the XBOX 1 or the PS4. Talk about not helping the future out...
Oh wait.... they want you to buy it twice... once now when it releases in Aug, then again when it comes out for the new platform next year... They know if they come out and say it will be coming to the PS4 and Xbox1, then people may wait on buying the game till then, therefor hurting sales.....
I actually emailed Disney with this exact same question and I got the typical big business response which means they didn't really answer the question.
They said that they were focusing their attention on the launch of the game and that means they are focusing on the platforms that are available when the game launches. They would not rule out that it could be available for future consoles, but they had no information at this time since they are only concerned with current platforms.
Read into this and I think they will be coming out for the PS4 and Xbox 1, but don't want to say so because then people might not go buy this when it launches in Aug to wait for the new version. Thus hurting their sales of the game. I know I don't want to buy it twice. But since we have no info on an xbox 1 version (which is what I will be getting when it comes out in Nov) I am stuck with buying it for the wii. I figure if my kids still are playing if and when the xbox comes out, I will get it for that platform as well..... but not everyone will do that.... \
Also, since Skylanders has announced they will be on the new platforms, I cant see Disney ignoring that market with its "new" big thing....
Vortimous' comments