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Vthewiseguy Blog

Tell me your favourite 'owned' moment

my fave owned moment was when i was playing splinter cell and this guy is standing in a hallway facing an elevator shaft.

then we distracted him with e sticky cam so we could put 2 wall mines on the spot he normally stands.

he walks back and faces the elevator shaft again... the ownage moment is ready for liftoff, all you have to do is whistle and get noticed...

i did that and he shouts 'INTRUDER' and turns around and start running at me, that sets off the wallmines, he explodes and flies into the elevator shaft screaming and engulfed in flames.

i was laughing so fukkin' hard i practically rolled over the floor for 5 minutes, then i did it again 24 times LoL

Killzone 2 VS. Halo 3... C'mon VOTE!

I picked this battle because it stands very symbolic for the battel between sony and microsoft.

I saw the movie of killzone 2, and it did blow me away! the graphics are just insane and the combat sucks the player right into the game. it makes me wanna grab a controller in vain...

And as for Halo 3, they are going to have to pack some serious heat to beat this, they will need much more features than the update to halo 2 have


halo book done!

i've finished my first book, halo: the fall of reach, i've learnt about how master chief (john) was kidnapped by the UNSC and how he became squad leader. Then, how the rest of the spartans died and master chief ends up as the only spartan on the pillar of autumn and the book ends at the point where they see halo for the first time. There are two sequals

If you have any questions or anything, just leave a comment and i will answer

read half of halo book in 1/2 a day

yeah, really,

and i have never finished reading a book all the way to the end in my life, this one seems to become the first one and it's scary.... for all this time, i thought i was suffering from halfway analphabeticy (a reading disorder that keeps random sufferers from finishing literature)

Finally got online again on XBconnect!!!


after being almost a year removed from the (mostly-dutch and american) xbc community i have made my return in the system link/online gaming world. I once again played halo (nr 2 of course this time) and a bit of project gotham 2

If you're thinking "wtf is this guy babbling about?" check out where you can see a list of playable games and you can download the programme to play online, for FREE!!.

basically, it uses the system link mode of the xbox rather than the live feature of the console. some guys post up downloadable content for the modded xboxes that have their games on HD.

got Star Wars Republic commando

I recently got the SW republic commando, and i couldn't help noticing the resembleace with halo:

limited weapon-carrying capacity

controls look alike

playing deathmatch in multiplayer.

It's a bit like halo, but with a (very) small bit of tactical manouvers.

overall: i like the game but it feels like i've played it before.