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Why I hate XBox fanboys...

They're harder to find, but they're out there...
While scanning the Halo 2 reviews I thought it would be fun to bash the "Perfect Score" givers, so I began serching them in the hopes to find one who, like the PS2 guys I bash, are devoted solely to the XBox. Surprisingly, it was more difficult to find one than in the Halo 2 "Worst Scores" reviews, but eventually I found one. You see, it's people who are devoted to only one company or system who are the most harmfull to gamers everywhere. Get out and play the FUN games, guys. Not just the XBox/PS2 games.

Why I hate Sony fanboys.

Check out this review of Halo 2

Now, this is just one man's opinion, and I have no problem with opinions.  But now go back and check this guy's profile...  All his high rated games; Playstation 2.  Most of them, with exception to Half-Life 2, and Doom 3.  How screwed up is that?  Listen jerk-off; we understand that you hate the XBox.  You and people like you need to stop giving out your opinions on popular XBox games.  No one listens to you.  Get over yoursleves.  The XBox won; the PS2 lost.  Get over it man.

Oldies are still goodies jerks...

I've noticed a startling trend lately...

Recently I've noticed some people looking at older games and bashing them because they don't match TODAY'S standards.  Of course they're gonna look a little ugly.  Or course they'll seem kinda linear.  THEY'RE OLD.  Just because a game's aged a bit doesn't mean it's bad.  You gotta think of that time's standards.  I don't care who you are; bashing the games that made games what they are today is wrong.

Why, oh why?

Today I was checkin' out my favorite games here, and noticed something weird in the Halo reviews.  A small group of guys had rated the game 1; horrible.  So I figured: "Man, there has to be a reason..."  So I decided to check 'em out.  Turns out, most of those guys couldn't type correctly to save there lives.  Man I was glad about that.  Two in particular I could tell hadn't even tried the game, and were just bashing it because it was a popular XBox game (one was even named xbox_sucks).  It make me warm and fuzzy to know that only idiots don't like such an awesome game.  Not to say that people who don't like it are idiots, but if a third grader has better grammar skills than you, you know you shouldn't write AT ALL.