Well, after watching Masoumi's now legendary video (no longer there for some reason, did masoumi leave Gamespot?) I decided I wanted to take a stab at Abadox, "the hardest game ever made". I went on ebay and purchased it for 1 cent (plus 10 dollars shipping and handling :roll: ) and it arrived in the mail today.
Now, I'm not sure if its just because of all the Gradius I've played over the years but I really had no problem at all with the first level, nor the second. But the game suddenly switches perspectives come level 3 to a top-down view. Now, normally that wouldn't be a problem but the game moves from TOP TO BOTTOM! What is that all about? Needless to say, it threw me for a loop and halted my progress rather quickly. Its still paused, I'll go try it again when I've finished writing this. I wouldn't call it the hardest game ever but it is certainly challenging. I wonder how many copies of this game masoumi inadvertently ended up selling to legions of Gamespotters looking for a challenge? Oh well, back to the game.