Well, I realized earlier today that I had pretty much no plans for the weekend. My family is either in another province or busy with work and whatnot and the same can be said for most of my friends (well, not out of the province but neighboring cities, other side of town etc.) so I decided to rent some movies.
Just this morning I saw a trailer for the upcoming film "Hot Fuzz" and thought it looked very promising. This made me recall that I never actually saw "Shaun of the Dead" so that was number one on my list. Recently I've been reading a bit about David Lynch's upcoming film "Inland Empire" and heard that it really helps to have seen "Mulholland Dr." to get a handle on what its about. Since I also haven't seen that, I decided to pick it up as well. Don't really know what to expect other then a really strange, unique film with surreal elements. Seen several of Lynch's other films but I'm pretty sure this will take the cake in terms of strangeness thus far, having not seen Eraserhead. Finally, even though the ending has been spoiled for me I also rented "The Game" with Michael Douglas and Sean Penn. After Alien 3 I never expected anything good could ever come from David Fincher but now that I've seen Seven, Fight Club and Zodiac I'm willing to admit I was very wrong. Hopefully this film will also be on par with his others.
Looking forward to a bunch of movies coming out, just none coming this week. "The Host" always looked kind of interesting to me but now that its getting tons of rave reviews I definitely have to see it. I already mentioned "Hot Fuzz", but another upcoming comedy "Fido", looks intersting as well. About a town that uses zombies as household servants. Unique premise, to be sure, so hopefully it will be good. Finally, even though it good be extremely disgusting or just downright awful, part of me really wants to see "Grindhouse". I've really enjoyed Tarantino's films in the past and the whole glorified B-movie idea looks kind of cool. That said, not so happy about Rob Zombie and others directing what are probably incredibly violent mini-trailers in there. I've seen my share of violent films but some stuff just grosses me out. Also, Planet Terror certainly has potential for tons of violence as well. Still, its kind of tempting.
Gamewise, just beat GRAW (the original, finally got it) and have been playing tons of Lumines Plus (my new favorite puzzle game). Really hope to go back and play some games I never got around to finishing (Okami, God Hand, Twilight Princess) but not sure I'll have the time anytime soon.