Hello , please help me ........
Today I went to the video games shop , in kuwait .
there is a ma that he said to the saller " do you have PS3 games " !!!!
and I asked him .... It is a joke ?
he said .... I bought it " Ps3 " from (( Dubai )) Emirates .......
He said that he bought it 254 K.D . and he can't play it cause there is no video games to buy !!
I heard that .... I swear of god !!!!!
dallasbrown wrote (Quote in response to newown):
i didn't know they had electricity in India...
W3dotCOM wrote (Quote in response to dallasbrown):
Oh my god, you are the dumbest American I have ever run into. Please, for the love all god, do not procreate.
f.y.i. Kuwait, is its own country in the middle east. Also, it has electricity and so does India.