WAG23 / Member

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Guess whose back! It's the real Slim- (DJ mix) Wag23!

Hello, everyone. I am back here on Gamespot, awaiting the Summer to catch up on some games I've missed, specifically L.A. Noire, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, Portal 2, and more. Remember to check out my gameplay footage on my youtube channel (HardcoreGamer101508) and I will once again be reviewing dozens of games. My first review in a while, Dragon Age: Origins, should be up by now, and I hope you take the time to look into it. Oh, and I'll be covering E3 this year, and give my honest opinions on the presenations and games and all. Be sure to check my youtube channel for a video on E3. Other than that, it's going to be a fun summer and I can't wait for it to start and for my busy stressful days to disappear and my gaming days back onto schedule. Also, I got a Nintendo Wii and so, I'll be checking games out on that. Be sure to recommend some good games on it.