While the battle between the COGS and the Locust seems like an endless struggle, yours truly has finally decided to hang up his weapons
at least for ranked purposes. Everyone seems to be getting the Seriously achievement now so I decided to do one better and get another 10K kills. No glitching, no team stacking, no having others play my account for a spot on the leaderboards, no modding, no clans; just me, my skills, and a lot of free time. While the game has been addicting for me to play online, I can honestly say I can do without everything I stated above that cheapens the leaderboards in addition to the loud, annoying, obnoxious, and racist people who seem to have migrated from Halo 2 to this game. Plus I feel like I have nothing left to prove on this game (other than that I Can't Quit You Dom achievement). Furthermore, this will now free up my time for the 10 or so games I bought since last November and my upcoming transition out of the active duty Army. Check out my score if you want the only thing that will change is my rank which is 477 in the world.
[UPDATE]: I can't stop playing this game on ranked. It's like crack. Or like the ex-wife you would forget about if it was not for the fact that you are paying child support. And by child-support I mean my burgeoning stats and my rank in the top 500. Top 400 when you factor in the people who play legit.