@GameCubePad, Hiring 200 members for a game doesn't show weakness, it shows that the game would be bigger and better. Plus, people had to go all over the world for that game and take trips for like months to see how the enviroments would be like in the game, i.e going to Morocco to have a look at a middle eastern type of enviroment, and compared to 45 million, it's not alot. GTA IV spent alot of money as well, to produce their game, and still, it's not the most expensive game production, the most expensive game production was SHENMUE for the Dreamcast, I believe it was about 70 mil? Forgot how much, but last I checked, it was the most expensive game production till this date. The point of having many members to make one game is flawed, it doesn't show weakness what so ever.
@FF7AdventGuy I have to agree with you, you can't compare a game, which is on both platforms, you never know which system it may have mainly built for... Like you, said compare, MGS 4 to GOW 2, and we know who wins..I'm not even going to say it.
@CJj1000 You call me a fanboy? How about this, I agree with you FALLOUT 3 looks better on the 360[according to the pictures], than the PS3, however, these pictures do not justify or declare a system's power itself. You have to see through the developers how much effort they put on placing these games on these consoles. Look at MGS 4, it got a 10/10 on gamespot, the 360 only has one game that got a 10/10, and that is GTA IV, so you can't really justify the power of these systems by placing pictures of it, you never know what's going behind the scenes, my friend ;). And for the record, my eyes aren't wrecked. =D
The PS3 graphics are more refined than the 360's, and it looks smoother, and don't call me a damn fanboy, I don't sit in my room and worship a company, just look at the photos, and you cans see it clearly.
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