So after a week of having my new samsung LCD that is a repalcement to the other 3 sony tvs i had. I noticed a freaking pixel that is out on this one now..WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON. After i calmed down and broke my lamp I finished getting ready for work. I had to wait till 10 am to call bestbuy which was killing me cause I just wanted to resolve this freaking issue.
Finally 10 rolls around. I call bestbuy. Of course the manager that helped me out last time is not in. I really want to talk to him about my problem. They said they would have him call be later after 3. Then 3 comes no call. AHHHHHHH. Then I get a call at 330. I am glad taht he is really nice. he told me that he is shocked by all the trouble I am having with these tvs. He told me that the Samsung LCD is their best sets. He set me up for deliver on wednesday. I am crossing my fingers on this one. PLease PLease let this nightmare be over.:|