don't tell me everything just happens randomly, there lots of proves that everything is ordered by a great power
look at the solar system, we are (earth) in the middle of mars (which is frozen) and venus (which is burning) two opposite planets but we are in the middle of those two opposite planets that are inhabitable between us earth is the only habitable planet for lightyears, why do you think this is for?
look at the atmosphere, if the oxygen increased one %percent the earth will freeze, but if the hydrogen increased one %percent the earth will burn, how do you think this balance was made? mere luck? or a lucky shot? osome power made this all
look at the water cycle, see how the water returns, look at the oxygen cycle, look how does the plants use CO2 and return oxygen instead between the rest of the creatures do the opposite, it's so that it keeps for forever.... how do you think this system was made?
look again at the solar system.... how do you think the planets were formed so that they spin around a bigger object... how do they attract by gravity... do you think this happened of its own? think about it calmly
look at the islam, those who you call terroists, they're the last god religiuos and their teachings, first of all it was for arabs(arabians) we can speak any letter and any language even if the letters weren't in our alphabet, it is said that their prayers are very healthy and simple, the series of moves they do makes the blood gushes freely, muslims have lots of rules but they are not for nothing, before muslims kill animals to eat them they must cut at a certain point, this point makes most of the blood in the body comes out, god forbod drinking blood because it's poisonous to the bopdy if drinked, before they kill they must say "BISM ALLAH AL-RAHMAN AL-RAHEAM" it was scientficly proved that the sound wave stuff makes the meat lasts longer
look at the holy book of the muslims, the Quraan, it says at a certain page : (look at the merciful's creation youwon't see decrease, look twice your sight will fail) or something like that
for muslims god is knows ALLAH it is said that reapeting this name is useful for the throa, and writting it in arabic is useful for the hand muscles and the movment of the blood whatsoever
wanna know more just pm me
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