I've just finished two marathons of different sorts. The first (and gaming related one) is the completion of Final Fantasy XIII. I'm done with the story mode, and have no real interest in doing anything beyond that (the game is long enough as is). I'll write a review soon.
The second (and music related one) is that me and my friends wrote seven songs in the past week (that is to say: about one song per day), finally allowing us to flesh out our library, and have more songs to choose from when playing a gig. Hopefully we can find a way to record soon.
Thirdly (and not relating to any of this), I've read Roger Ebert's essay arguing that video games are (still) not art. I've read a few rebuttals across the internet, but as of yet, have not found one which conveys how I feel about the matter, which compels me to write something of my own. So I'll try to write something about that sometime this week.