WWinnieF / Member

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A little worse for wear

Anyway, after moving day has taken place, I am a little worse for wear. It is not as though moving back to college took a lot out of me, because it normally doesn't. What did take a lot of my energy away for the past few days and why I was absent a few days is the fact that I am severly sick and hurt. Not only did I fall down my parents stairway a few days ago and split my head open severly (leaving a still-seething wound and a throbbing headache after bouncing up and down like a basketball for a few seconds before losing conciousness for a breif minute before coming to and seeing a pudde of blood on the floor after landing), but I apparently--according to my eye doctor--have an eye problem called pulleid marginal degeneration, which is a cornea disease that can only be helped by way of highly expensive contacts that would not only cause my eyes to irritate before wearing (let alone being able to get them on at all, due to my sensitive eyesight as is), but that would also pose a problem if lost in that I'd be practically blind were the contacts lost (and knowing how tiny contacts already are is already an obstacle). But anyway, besides my head injury and my eyesight failing, all is well. XD