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Project Gotham Racing 4

Ultra Fun

Last week I picked up Project Gotham Racing 4 (Xbox 360) and Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow (PSP), and I've been playing the former almost non-stop. PGR4 is not much different from 3. The weather effects are the best I've ever seen in any game -- utterly flawless looking and varied. There's also the addition of motorcycles, a first in the series. One minus is that the soundtrack isn't as good as the previous PGR. Other than that, the game hasn't changed much . . . much like Halo 3. It's both good and bad. The good is both games give you more of the same formula that made their previous installments ultra fun. The bad is it means publishers are turning down more creative, new games in favor of these . . . for lack of a better word, "remakes."

Which ever way you look at it, PGR4 is indeed ultra fun.