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Whats been happening these past few weeks.

Well, I been having a strange few weeks. First off my semester of college ended so I was kinda hyped for summer.

Then two days later when I took my cat to the vet (he was having trouble breathing) they said they couldn't really help him so we had to make the tough decision to put him to sleep. :( That day sucked.

On a more cheerful note my bro was looking for solution to my (third) 360's red ring problem. He found a youtube vid where some guy siad he fixed his by blowing an air hose into all of the exhaust ports. It worked and I saved $90. The amount of dust that came out was incredible, no wonder it couldn't get any air.

Soul Calibur V has been announced. I can't wait. I'm still playing SCIV and have over 300 hours wrapped up in it. I am alos wondering who the guest character(s) is gonna be.

Yesterday the Gears of War 3 beta ended. I never played any Gears before because I thought it looked kinda dumb but since I had beta access I decided to try it. I'm still not too interested in the story but the multiplayer is fun, so I'm looking forward to the full game now.

I'm also hoping to see Nintendo rock E3 this year with "Cafe."

Awake and Alive- Skillet