Now don't get me wrong, CoD 4 is a great game, with an excellent single-player and a competitive multiplayer. But after over half a year of Xbox Live owners playing the game, and seeing some things first-hand, I personally think that Infinity Ward should scrap what they did and start anew, at least in terms of multiplayer. While I'm sure I haven't played as many hours as some people do (I do in fact play things other than CoD 4), from the experience I have gotten from the game, I can say this: get rid of create-a-class system. Sure it sounded great in theory, but not so much in practice. Because after the first couple of months of its release, those players who progressed far enough started realizing what perks, weapons, and upgrades are worth using and which ones weren't. Which, ironically, it seems that a very small handful of perks and weapons are used (martyrdom and last stand should be the two most viable candidates for perks). Some weapons are never even used, and most perks are hardly ever touched. (Honestly, has anyone EVER used dead silence or eavesdrop perks?)
I was glad to hear that Treyarch is making the next Call of Duty installment, because I think they made a solid FPS in CoD 3. And here is the comparisons to IW's CoD 4:
1.) Classes-that were mostly balanced (except for, what i think was, the overpowered Allies Heavy Assault)- if you wanted to use sticky grenades, you had to choose light assault, not use that specialty to create an uber-class (Did anyone else forget about the medic, who could heal you if he got to you before the respawn time expired?
2.) Vehicles- yes, I know IW wanted to make a more fast-paced FPS experience, but why take out something that had become a basic formula for FPS's? (And to just prove anyone wrong, I was dissapointed from day one when IW announced they wouldn't include vehicle). What's ironic is that IW actually never had vehicles in multiplayer, in any CoD game they have worked on, which may seem then that either IW wants to be different, or is just bull-headed and can't accept the changing times. And, it goes without saying, with vehicles comes bigger maps, though I had no problem with the map sizes in CoD4.
3.) Accuracy- Let's get this out of the way- the guns in CoD4 were TOO accurate. Getting headshots across the map not only with a sudmachine gun but with a silencer attached to it, and only with the first couple of bullets fired is WAY too accurate for that kind of gun. Sure, sniper rifles are obvious and maybe (maybe) a small assortment of assault rifles, but nothing more than that.
4.) Kill-cam- stick with what Treyarch had; I actually got even more pissed off watching HOW I died, rather then just dying. From the lucky long-ranged grenade throws to someone blindly firing through smoke (or just firing blindly period). It would ease my blood-pressure if you just showed me the direction where the person who killed me was, rather then how they killed me.
Whereas other blogs that I write talk about improvements to games, this one is for the fear of losing interest in the CoD franchise. Treyarch's versions might be the only thing that keeps me with it (unless of course they just copy with the gameplay that CoD 4 did). I just hope not.