Well, I try to keep my blogs related to games and the gaming industry, (this IS a gaming site, afterall), but today I figured I would vent on a current problem regarding school.
My Spanish 104 class (Intermediate Spanish 2, Spanish 4, whatever you want to call it), has become complete BS. Not only do we have written homework, but our professor added 2 other websites from which we have to do homework from (which means three different things of hw a night). Then, what was extra credit for my professor from last semester, this professor now makes mandatory. We have a quiz every day. And it is mandatory that we have to do community service in the surrounding Hispanic communities (when I don't even have a car to get to these places).
So I have to ask why we have to do all this sh!t when its only a low-level course, because I am now spending more time dealing with this one class than all my other classes combined (because I now have to study at least for 2 hours every single day, when I should be putting most of my time into my Marketing, Comp. Apps, and Multimedia courses[the first two with my Business Major, the last one with my Comp. Sci. minor]) So if I drop it, I will have to either a.) take the course sometime in the future again, or b.) take two culture courses (because it is required by my major to take either 2 language or 2 culture courses, don't ask me why this would be required of a business major).
And all of this is happening on today, my 19th birthday, Jan 19th. This day couldn't get any worse.